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Standard Deviation
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Statistics for the Utterly Confused

This book offers a super-accessible approach to the much-misunderstood subject of statistics.
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Home > Statistics Every Writer Should Know > Stats Board > Previous Topics

Here are previous topics - not responded to within two weeks:
classification software
   - From clark, 1 response

'A Beautiful Mind': Movie Reviews?
   - From Robert Niles, 8 responses

   - From Virginia, 2 responses

Non normal distributions
   - From carlos peña, 4 responses

To JG:
   - From Ali, 2 responses

Are dogs smarter than Cats?
   - From Guy, 13 responses

simple probability question
   - From Ali, 2 responses

Weighted Gross Profit Margin
   - From Jeri, 2 responses

   - From Corné, 3 responses

Normal Distribution
   - From Eunjoo, 1 response

Analyzing Survey Data
   - From Tony Vallin, 2 responses

UCL and LCL !!
   - From Poileak Le, 4 responses

   - From Mike, no responses

DIF analysis
   - From Ghada Eid, 2 responses

Matched Controls
   - From Ronald Hellman, 1 response

current employer
   - From kbed, no responses

related variables?
   - From Matthew, 1 response

weighted mean
   - From aileen, 2 responses

senior citizens involved in automobile accidents
   - From coralee aupperle, 5 responses

   - From retrof, 1 response

R-square in Multiple Regression
   - From mario, 1 response

finding a standard deviation
   - From john amos, 1 response

confusing coefficient signs
   - From clark, 2 responses

Normal Standard Deviation
   - From retrof, 1 response

Data Transformation
   - From Dave, 1 response

Calculation of Statistical Significance
   - From Carol Broderick, 1 response

Comparison Groups
   - From Mark H., 1 response

odds of occurence with three correlated events
   - From andrew, 1 response

Sophia in novel Tom Jones
   - From shay, 1 response

DOE for ergonomics
   - From dalma, no responses

   - From rooman, 1 response

psychology study
   - From Mindaugas Naruðevièius, 1 response

Standard Deviation
   - From Donna Morgan, 1 response

What is the mathemetical formula of the Excel Beta distribution?
   - From Cees Luijendijk, 4 responses

misuse of statistics
   - From Toni chamberlain, 8 responses

Sharpe Ratio and Standard Deviation
   - From Martin, no responses

Date Co-incidence
   - From Saul Denyer, 1 response

if i flip a coin three times, what are the chances of getting heads one of the times
   - From andrew, 1 response

   - From ALI HASSAN, 1 response

   - From Kevin C., 1 response

non -parametric statistics
   - From FAIZA, 2 responses

sample size and normal distribution
   - From Lee Bascom, 3 responses

Writing a statistic problem in education
   - From Varn Bruce, 4 responses

prediction test
   - From ansuman, 3 responses

meaning of "fully anchored"
   - From Sharon, 1 response

Regression Analysis
   - From Jan Benzuly, 1 response

what is the difference between parameter and statistic
   - From Charles, 2 responses

Standard T-test
   - From Kathy, 2 responses

cronbach alpha
   - From shah, 2 responses

Stats Text
   - From Bruce Sahli, 1 response

Confidence interval vs. standard deviation
   - From Jennifer, 5 responses

which statistical test should be done? and why?
   - From john nguyen, 2 responses

   - From DONNA KIMBERLIN, 4 responses

   - From Peter, 2 responses

significance of data
   - From David, 4 responses

Confidence level
   - From Eduardo Arvizu, 1 response

Coding for discriminant analysis
   - From Shaun, 1 response

Proper coding for Disriminant Analysis
   - From Shaun, no responses

unrelated t-test
   - From Maureen, 1 response

Finding a sample size
   - From Janice M, 1 response

Confidence Intervals
   - From Lori, no responses

Need help with percentiles
   - From Peter, 2 responses

Dispersion effect
   - From Tariq Mian, 1 response

Std. error vs. Std. deviation
   - From Carrie, 1 response

Violation of Normality
   - From Nicole, 1 response

Margin of error in a small survey?
   - From Rob Cox, 1 response

ANOVA overlapping confidence intervals
   - From Hanson, 1 response

Tchebycheff's Inequality
   - From Chito E., 1 response

Birthday probability question
   - From Brian, 5 responses

cronbach's alpha
   - From babra shafi, 1 response

   - From BABER MIRZA, 1 response

kappa coefficient calculations
   - From Chris, 3 responses

Human Error
   - From Susan, 2 responses

gamma error / delta error??
   - From Dr Pooja, 1 response

What is the relation between modelling and statistics?
   - From Farrah, 1 response

Binomial distributution
   - From August, 1 response

Binominal procedural help needed
   - From Bob Evans, 2 responses

Alpha error or beta?
   - From Dr Pooja, 3 responses

confidence values
   - From lee, 1 response

Two standard deviations
   - From S. Bush, 3 responses

   - From kish, 4 responses

Please Help With This Question Thank you
   - From Mary Ann, 1 response

Statistical Confidence Level-Help Please
   - From Bob Evans, 1 response

Land Surveyor needs help
   - From Carl, 4 responses

Legal Stats
   - From Kari, 1 response

   - From Kevin, 2 responses

More Help
   - From connie, 1 response

Risk of repeated exposure to an event
   - From charles, 1 response

   - From Kcott, 1 response

confidence interval and standard error
   - From Hahm, 1 response

n/k ratio
   - From Stacy, no responses

Help please!
   - From Connie, 1 response

Don't laugh too hard but..."t" in t-test?
   - From Joe, 2 responses

Standard Deviation
   - From Kcott, 1 response

   - From Kcott, 1 response

   - From Kevin, 1 response

Dishonest coin
   - From Kevin, 1 response

interquartile range
   - From Kcott, 1 response

Differences between the REMSEA index and the chi2-statistic?
   - From Mads, no responses

H0, H1, critical and test value.
   - From Bridget, 1 response

confidence interval
   - From Sh, 1 response

I'm sure this is simple but I don't know...
   - From Chris, 4 responses

How Statistics Lie
   - From John, 2 responses

urgent help needed!
   - From katy, 1 response

Legal Stats, P-Values
   - From Kari, 1 response

Will pay reasonable fee to have survey data analyzed
   - From Danelle Russillo, 2 responses

Help for disseration - analysis of nominal data
   - From Maria, 1 response

   - From m.d., 2 responses

Hypothesis test
   - From m.d., 1 response

Testing the differences between 2 means
   - From Shaun, 1 response

recoding data for regression
   - From boulton, 3 responses

Rank 5 Sportscars
   - From Danny, no responses

Meaningful varience from Cisco RTR agent (data networks)?
   - From Stuart, 2 responses

Ljung-Box Q-statistic
   - From Tomi Owens, 1 response

tying together studies for a systematic review
   - From Veronica Kennedy, 1 response

T-test, F-test research for companies
   - From Kari, 1 response

logistic regression
   - From j. boulton, 5 responses

Interaction Term Interpretation
   - From Matthew, 1 response

   - From murali, 1 response

calculating averages w/non significant data
   - From wk, 1 response

Help!!!!!!! Maths Coursework
   - From Avinder, 4 responses

   - From Larry, 1 response

spearmans rank, really urgent!!!
   - From nikki, 5 responses

Help me
   - From viju, 2 responses

   - From Katja, no responses

GLM and proportions
   - From Mark Waters, 4 responses

2 emergency probablity questions
   - From eva, 1 response

I need help finding statistics for my persuasive paper.
   - From VaNessa, 4 responses

URGENTLY need help - chi square vs t-test
   - From mani, no responses

standard deviation
   - From michisaiah, 1 response

   - From edusan, 2 responses

How to test it?
   - From Julie, 1 response

Lumber Company-- Very Urgent Please Help!!!!
   - From Mariah, 1 response

Paired t test- in obese and non obese females
   - From Dr Pooja, 7 responses

Cochran's Q
   - From Ben Ditkowsky, no responses

using Chi-Square for two samples
   - From Sherry, 2 responses

reliability test
   - From Lokman, 2 responses

   - From pallegama, 1 response

Pearson's r rule
   - From Cheri, 3 responses

Split plot analysis
   - From TOMMY, no responses

P/T ratio equivalent for one sided spec??
   - From PMH, 5 responses

More Two-Samples!
   - From Michelle, 1 response

What is disadvanetage of Masterbedding?
   - From Tommy boy, no responses

Two Sample Stuff--Help!
   - From Michelle, 1 response

3 questions I am stuck on?
   - From Kevin, 2 responses

How to assess?
   - From Ruby Lo, 2 responses

Segmentation analysis
   - From Stuart, no responses

coefficient of variation
   - From S. Brimble, 1 response

Gage R&R: Gage Sigma > Total Sigma.......??
   - From PMH, 8 responses

Calculating Percentiles
   - From Tiffani, 8 responses

Line up 5 people different ways??
   - From RedHead, no responses

   - From Michelle, 1 response

probability distribution
   - From Cathie, 1 response

Spearmans Ranking, V. Urgent!!
   - From Rachel, 1 response

Bimodal distribution
   - From Lena Kupriyanova, 4 responses

How to calculate this problem
   - From Dr.Sankar, 1 response

About Chi square analysis and P value
   - From Dr.Sankar, 3 responses

Contrast coefficients
   - From Mike, no responses

normal distribution and correction
   - From Ruth, 6 responses

cash paid for statistics help--no joke
   - From Steve, 1 response

Hierarchical clustering
   - From David Camacho, no responses

   - From jodi, 2 responses

Critical values?
   - From Tom Henry, 1 response

Finite-population correction factor
   - From Denice, 1 response

More Hypothesis Testing!
   - From Jamie, 1 response

coefficient of determination
   - From jodi, no responses

   - From Matt, 1 response

Hypothesis Testing (easy for you, hard for me!)
   - From Jamie, 1 response

   - From thami, 4 responses

Probability again.
   - From Donna, 4 responses

roofing-how to figure square feet
   - From gibby, 4 responses

point biserial & sample size
   - From Lilian, 4 responses

   - From Donna, 2 responses

Internal Communication Statistics
   - From Diane Palencia, no responses

Type I and Type II errors
   - From Jason, 1 response

Time period assessment
   - From Jack, 3 responses

What does FGD mean?
   - From Bal, 3 responses

Venn diagram logic question..HELP!
   - From RedHead, 1 response

1 way or 2 way anova?
   - From Dalia, 2 responses

skewed data curve
   - From Jeanette, 1 response

   - From Nora, no responses

95% level of significance
   - From rama, 1 response

Multiple Regression/p-values
   - From Jeffrey, no responses

ordinal data - can you provide mean and sd?
   - From Shelly, 2 responses

Probability in a sales call
   - From corin1, 2 responses

What is a recurring field?
   - From John Bond, no responses

t-test vs paired t-test
   - From Andrea Laliberte, 4 responses

Desribing Data
   - From Twana, 1 response

What statistics to use
   - From matt, no responses

Poisson Random Variables
   - From Mike, 1 response

geometric mean
   - From Zoe Martinez, 5 responses

What test/s do I use?
   - From Jerry Hall, 1 response

A test tomorrow om statistical inference!
   - From Rich, no responses

homework help SOS!!!
   - From Linda, 2 responses

Control Groups - How big?
   - From Michele Zuniga, 1 response

   - From Tom, no responses

Regression v. CHAID
   - From Jim, no responses

homework help!
   - From Amy, 1 response

Help with research
   - From Sharon Bullins, no responses

pooled standard error
   - From Lisa Appeddu, 4 responses

risk adjustment
   - From Diane White, no responses

probability distributions
   - From Jim, 1 response

Polls in Election 2000
   - From susan smith, no responses

standard scores
   - From Holly, 3 responses

Linear Contrast
   - From Jeff P, 2 responses

4 independent variables and nominal data
   - From thiGGer, 1 response

Mean when value = 0
   - From Snorkyller, 1 response

Analysis of variance
   - From Ebrahim Ali, 1 response

log transformations of variables
   - From Shelly, 3 responses

Violation of ANCOVA equal slopes assumption- now what?
   - From Dave, no responses

Std. Dev. of Geo. Mean?
   - From David, 1 response

Gage R&R
   - From dalma, 2 responses

Precontrol process control techniques
   - From Lance, 8 responses

paired t-test
   - From ziv, 4 responses

Why square to get the standard deviation?
   - From Martin Vézina, 3 responses

Spearmans formula
   - From Mark, 1 response

logistic regression
   - From ajit, 1 response

standard deviation and mean
   - From Jamie Arsenault, 1 response

Examples of bad use of stats in the news?
   - From Robert Niles, 3 responses

Hypotheses Test
   - From Darlene, 1 response

Distribution of Variation
   - From esan, 1 response

Validation experiment
   - From dalma, no responses

50 to 1 odds
   - From Farres, 3 responses

Role of statistics in the world of Informaion Technology
   - From ADEEL TAHIR, 2 responses

Coefficient of Variation
   - From E. Sanchez, 1 response

standard deviation
   - From jon allen, 2 responses

Lost in probability
   - From Melanie, 3 responses

   - From kathleen ashton, 1 response

5 Basic Elements of Statistics
   - From Rose, no responses

average vs. "per week" average
   - From M.Brennan, no responses

averaging a set of numbers
   - From Carol Albertini, 1 response

percent and weighted results
   - From Xavier V-P, 1 response

Stuck for a formula
   - From Michael, 3 responses

gage R & R
   - From Roy, 8 responses

growth rate formula
   - From david, 4 responses

Explain 1 in 10,000
   - From David B., 2 responses

Fibonacci numbers & golden section 1.618..
   - From T. LUK, 3 responses

bivariate versus multivariate
   - From Joan, 1 response

Statistical Tools
   - From Lucky, 2 responses

Water Sampling
   - From Enrique Cantarell E, 1 response

desperate for help
   - From care, 1 response

dreadscott decision
   - From joseph gross, 1 response

RMS vs standard deviation versus standard error
   - From Chad English, 3 responses

math question
   - From marilyn, 2 responses

Conditional Probability Question
   - From karin, 2 responses

Standard Error
   - From Rachele, 1 response

Statistical test for a hypothesis
   - From angie, 1 response

what sample size?
   - From Ryan Soisson, 1 response

Chronbach's Alpha
   - From Rick Hux, 4 responses

discontinuous data in excel
   - From Rebecca Smith, 2 responses

group permutation methods
   - From susan, no responses

Questions In Evaluating Medical Article
   - From Joel, no responses

Which tests? Parametric or Nonparametric
   - From Rob, 1 response

   - From richie robles, 2 responses

statistical confidence that there is one materil identified more often
   - From Rachele, no responses

Variance formula
   - From Sinzana, 6 responses

   - From yuzheng, no responses

Regression and optimising advertising mail
   - From Sonny, 4 responses

bar charts
   - From yuzheng, no responses

   - From Edward Bordner, 1 response

Chi-square test
   - From Pat, 3 responses

How do you compute the Beta in Excel 2000?
   - From Ray, 1 response

Risk Management
   - From Bailey, no responses

split plot model problem
   - From Josh, 2 responses

How to convert daily return into an annalized return of a stock price?
   - From Carlos, 2 responses

more on logistic regression
   - From Susan Daniels, 4 responses

level of significance
   - From wasco, 5 responses

How do I develop a valid "index"
   - From Howard, 1 response

intraclass correlations
   - From Theresa, no responses

Developing a Percentile Ranking
   - From Susan Pensiero, 1 response

correlation coefficient
   - From Patrick, 1 response

Difference in Proportion
   - From Paula, 3 responses

Correlation coefficient
   - From Joseph, 1 response

Normal Distribution
   - From Fee, 3 responses

Disjunction and continuous pdfs
   - From Sam Staton, no responses

Degrees of Freedom & two-way chi-sguare test
   - From Carey, 2 responses

ssubtract score from mean
   - From Misti Bassett, no responses

news letters
   - From Ehsan, 1 response

Pearson's correlation coefficient
   - From Paula, 1 response

correlation coefficients
   - From Bobby, 1 response

Help with multiple choice question
   - From Pat, 1 response

Multiple Choice STATS
   - From Pat, 1 response

Two-way Test and Degree of freedom
   - From Pat, 1 response

Data Collection
   - From Saphire, 1 response

   - From Pauline, 1 response

   - From Pauline, 1 response

   - From Pauline, no responses

Alpha level, chi-square test, and null hypotheseis
   - From Joseph, no responses

Crombach's Alpha
   - From Brenda, 4 responses

difference between normal distribution and standard normal distribution
   - From Nadina, 2 responses

help reqd in determining sample size
   - From anish, 2 responses

   - From arien, 1 response

intraclass correlations
   - From Theresa, 1 response

CSP Calculations
   - From Phil White, no responses

   - From Fee, 1 response

Test Hypothesis
   - From Bobby, 1 response

Margin of Error
   - From Jim, 1 response

   - From jimmy, 1 response

Z scores and proportion
   - From timmy, 1 response

Test Hypothesis
   - From Timmy, 1 response

Standard Deviation
   - From Fee, 2 responses

   - From Marquis, 1 response

Normal Distribution
   - From Timmy, 1 response

Pro's and con's of using precontrol charts
   - From Enrique, 6 responses

Be wary of
   - From Robert Niles, 3 responses

% area under normal curve vs sigma
   - From Matthew, 1 response

Normal distribution
   - From Pauline, 1 response

   - From Saphire, 1 response

gain standard deviation
   - From naz, 4 responses

Mean / Standard Deviation
   - From Marquis, 2 responses

is ROC correct?
   - From Jen, 3 responses

relative Percent Difference
   - From Premal, 2 responses

Construct validity
   - From arien, 3 responses

Simulated mate finding by random encounter
   - From John Dunbar, 1 response

Q: bookstore shopping stats
   - From kim, 1 response

cardiac surgery
   - From Larry Brown, 1 response

Nonparametric ANOVA on Excel
   - From Grad Student, 1 response

   - From Kat, 1 response

Chi-Square and Multiple Response?
   - From Dan Woodlief, 3 responses

Which tests?
   - From Charles, 1 response

Why use RPD?
   - From Ron Gauthier, 1 response

Level of Measurement
   - From Pauline, 1 response

Mean / Standard Deviation
   - From Marquis, no responses

Level of Measurement
   - From Fiona, 3 responses

JG, please help me !!
   - From Kevie, 2 responses

   - From Kat, 1 response

Bail me out
   - From Saphire, 1 response

table of random numbers
   - From Dee, 2 responses

adjusting frequency counts in a chi-square
   - From Peter, 1 response

one vs two tailed tests
   - From Kate, 2 responses

Can you help me ?
   - From Kevin, 1 response

standard deviation
   - From Greg H, 1 response

   - From Holly, 1 response

what is textual method all about???
   - From hazel, 2 responses

   - From Kathy, 1 response

   - From Kathy, 2 responses

Multiple regressions aargh
   - From kate, 2 responses

   - From steve, 1 response

stats riddle
   - From Barbara, 1 response

Moderating Variable ?!
   - From kevin, 1 response

logistic regression ad nauseum
   - From Susan Daniels, 1 response

odds ratio in logistic regression
   - From Susan Daniels, 3 responses

Critical value
   - From Drema, 2 responses

statistically independent
   - From susan, 2 responses

Non-normal Distribution
   - From kevin, 1 response

Coefficient of Variation
   - From Christina, 3 responses

help with this problem please
   - From Linda, 1 response

JG are my answers right
   - From Carol, 1 response

How do I hand calculate MANOVA?
   - From Val, 5 responses

   - From Tom, 3 responses

How to count the weighted average for my case ??
   - From Kevie, 2 responses

Taguchi Design of Experiments
   - From Carole Yaw, 6 responses

Weighted Average???
   - From Cayman Little, 5 responses

Chi-square or t-test?
   - From Jenny, 2 responses

   - From Felicity, 1 response

t distribution and standard normal distribution
   - From Robin, 1 response

T-test of hypothesis
   - From liz, 2 responses

Business Statisics
   - From Connie, 1 response

I forgot to ask about part "C"
   - From Tom, 1 response

Is my answer right?
   - From Kathy, 1 response

Check Answers and Help with the last one please
   - From Linda, 1 response

Null & Alternative Hypotheses
   - From Tom, 1 response

   - From Carol, 1 response

Books on Statistical Thinking?
   - From Greg, 1 response

Random Variable
   - From Linda, 2 responses

Binomial Tables
   - From Kathy, 1 response

   - From Linda, 1 response

   - From Linda, 2 responses

Please Check my answers
   - From Carol, 1 response

   - From Cathy, no responses

   - From Cathy, 2 responses

   - From sherri byrd-bridges, 2 responses

Random Variables
   - From Linda, 1 response

   - From Amy Spalding, 1 response

Basic Statistics
   - From Linda, 1 response

Difference betn correlation and regression analysis
   - From Chandra Prakash, 3 responses

survival annalysis
   - From Maria, 1 response

normal distribution
   - From Christina, 3 responses

Reporting Point-Biserial Correlation
   - From Diane, 1 response

Distribution Deviation & Distribution Skewness
   - From Katherine Baird, 4 responses

Mill/property tax
   - From Kathleen, 1 response

Probability difficultities
   - From Tara Ryan, 1 response

What is a Rasch analysis?
   - From Maggie, 3 responses

How many samples
   - From stuart, 2 responses

Non-parametric test for interaction
   - From Mitch, 1 response

Dunn-Bonferroni Contrasting Procedure
   - From Tiff, no responses

weighted kappa
   - From Kendra, no responses

Need a Research contract
   - From Michelle Saunders, no responses

Sigmoidal Curves
   - From Jane Westerman, no responses

Strategy & Venture philosophy
   - From MEM, no responses

significance of non-linear regression parameters
   - From Mike Yong, no responses

Need help in Research Methods
   - From Paul, no responses

Probability (again!).....
   - From DaveJW, no responses

standard deviation
   - From Angelo Jacala, no responses

intraclass correlation coeficient
   - From mandy, 3 responses

i think my prof's wrong, so who's right???
   - From sue, 5 responses

independentand dependent variables and t-tests
   - From Bernadette, 2 responses

wat should i put in my stats cours work???
   - From ali, 1 response

   - From javad, no responses

help i need to know anything!
   - From nicola, no responses

   - From david, 2 responses

Center of Population
   - From Mickey Crawford, 2 responses

Is it multiple regression?
   - From SBM, 1 response

Error Type
   - From Jim, 1 response

Psychology Statistics
   - From Precious Knudsen, no responses

Help with point biserial correlation!
   - From sue, 1 response

Standard Deviation Hypo
   - From Jeff, no responses

Power transformation
   - From Milind Sathye, 1 response

Proportions z & t tests
   - From Andrew Romeo, no responses

non parametric tests
   - From Marcelo Sosa, no responses

Automated calculation for margin of error
   - From Jim, 2 responses

Kappa statistic classification
   - From KO, no responses

BEG me work out proper test to use, please!!!!
   - From Craig Callan, no responses

Averages of Ratio
   - From Brenda, no responses

Null Hypothesis
   - From Rain, 1 response

   - From Dat Tu, 2 responses

comparing more than two regression equations
   - From Tess, 1 response

math question
   - From Mick Graham, 3 responses

Runs Test Ideas?
   - From Stephanie, no responses

Utility Estimates
   - From Monica Davila, no responses

confidence limits of a mean
   - From Lehna, no responses

Help pls for this question....
   - From Durga, no responses

stats, Please, can some help me?
   - From julie lynch, 3 responses

survey compairison
   - From david, no responses

Johnson non-normality transformation
   - From Darius, no responses

Tobit regression analysis
   - From Alex, 2 responses

Advantages/disadv. of mean and median
   - From Chandra Prakash, 1 response

what is standard deviation ,frequency,mean ,median ,variance ?What are their formulae?What is the difference between them?
   - From sameer, 2 responses

What is the mode?
   - From Parent, 4 responses

iq question
   - From ron, 1 response

   - From gigi, 1 response

   - From veronica savage, no responses

Sample Size Errors
   - From Jamie, 1 response

Permutations and Combinations
   - From Hung Cheung, 1 response

   - From edwin, no responses

Why N-1?
   - From George Sykes, 1 response

Coding Answers to questions
   - From Bill Wootton, no responses

nonparametric stats
   - From Holly, 2 responses

Thinking about some site changes...
   - From Robert Niles, 1 response

Collaborative Filtering
   - From Robert Niles, no responses

statistical study
   - From Francis, 2 responses

Square miles
   - From Laura Brown, 2 responses

   - From Olivier, no responses

Some statistics humor for a change
   - From Phil, no responses

Probability questions
   - From Jewell, 1 response

SPSS histogram label
   - From ren, no responses

   - From John Williams, 1 response

Trails Methodology
   - From ED, no responses

How do a calculate margin of error or confidence level in audit results?
   - From William Saunders, no responses

Tree Diagrams
   - From Stephen Branney, no responses

confidence level/ sample size
   - From Sarah Siegfried, 2 responses

what's the use of standard score?
   - From carol, 1 response

Kappa statistics
   - From Lynn, 1 response

What are the units on the standard error of the estimate
   - From Kameron Corregan, 1 response

Approximately rectangular distribution
   - From sayra, 1 response

Accracy of a survey
   - From david, 1 response

AHP I can not do this practice question
   - From Av, no responses

Standard Errors for Sampling
   - From Caroline, 2 responses

   - From Paula, 2 responses

Help Please Beginner
   - From Ann, 1 response

   - From Angie, 2 responses

random nums with given sd, mean
   - From Thomas, 4 responses

Want to know if anyone can help.
   - From CY, no responses

reporting chi-square
   - From TP, 1 response

Margin of error for a questionaire
   - From Lonis, no responses

What is a Z-test?
   - From Harsey, 2 responses

kertotic & skewed curves
   - From cristina, 1 response

   - From darabi, no responses

   - From golriz darabi, no responses

Standard Deviation
   - From Robert, 2 responses

   - From Stacey, 1 response

Normal distribution on SPSS
   - From stephanie, 2 responses

Which test is appropriate?
   - From Christina, 1 response

mean and standard deviation
   - From b king, 2 responses

Stat Software
   - From Jon Nordstrom, 2 responses

2000 election
   - From S.Q. Jing, 2 responses

gamma distribution
   - From YY, no responses

wanted to know of some websites
   - From Alex K Philip, no responses

weighted average
   - From Gem, 1 response

Question: Population Regression
   - From Chris Billings, 2 responses

   - From melissa ethington, 1 response

   - From RWOOF, 1 response

Minimum Bias
   - From Susan, 1 response

   - From Shuquan Jing, no responses

Definition Help ASAP Pleeezzzz
   - From Stephanie, 1 response

   - From Paul, 1 response

terminology question
   - From Jana, no responses

math heeeeelpppp
   - From bill, no responses

ANOVA design
   - From SMB, 1 response

Need help please
   - From Angela, no responses

bayes posterior distribution
   - From caroline, no responses

Probability problems
   - From Poulami, 2 responses

margin of error
   - From alan m. seid, 4 responses

Statistical Confidence
   - From Mark, 1 response

Confidence Intervals and Means
   - From Willy, 1 response

   - From Tim, 1 response

Possibly the dumbest question ever
   - From Holly, 1 response

Trial Survey
   - From Trevor, no responses

   - From Rachael, 1 response

What is the difference between N and n, P and p
   - From Mike Webber, 2 responses

Syntax Question
   - From Holly, no responses

identifying a stats formula
   - From Robert Dennys, 2 responses

Archaeology and statistics
   - From Stella, 1 response

relative Standard Deviation
   - From Valter, 1 response

Does it make a difference?
   - From Carol, no responses

deflating a nominal series
   - From gerry Cotterell, no responses

The Distribution of a Linear Combination
   - From William H., 1 response

Help please
   - From Sabrina, 1 response

SPC Charts vs. Rolling Average Charts
   - From EC, 3 responses

dataset (urgent)
   - From baz, no responses

Uniformity (Coefficient of Variability)
   - From Ehud Shavit, no responses

Sample size question - Help!
   - From Steven, no responses

Two Problems
   - From Carol, 2 responses

Non Uniform Bias
   - From Dan, 1 response

Voting Power
   - From JG, no responses

Sample Determination
   - From Highly confused!!!!, no responses

Dataset (urgent)
   - From Baz, no responses

Sample Size Determination
   - From Dana Thomas, 2 responses

   - From Mandy, 5 responses

Whole Numbers - kg's
   - From Bonita Johnson, 1 response

   - From ANTHONY, 1 response

   - From libby, 1 response

The Electoral College
   - From Robert Niles, 3 responses

Probability And Statistics
   - From Lene Nava, 2 responses

Design Margin Analysis
   - From Mike Kowalczyk, 1 response

Advantages of Neuman Keuls/ ANOVA
   - From Tim DiFelice, 1 response

   - From Paula Down, 1 response

Don't have a clue!
   - From Judy Davis, 3 responses

Please help..
   - From Tom, 3 responses

Small Samples
   - From Makonnen Howell, 1 response

   - From val, 1 response

Question for Phil R.
   - From Bill, 3 responses

   - From Joy Ndem, 3 responses

Help with homework
   - From jgsmith, 2 responses

normal distribution question
   - From andrea, 1 response

worldwide web
   - From Jake Locke, 2 responses

Covariance defined
   - From G Colassi, 2 responses

children drowning
   - From Trevor Doherty, 1 response

Which analysis?
   - From Holly, 1 response

Links that might be of interest
   - From OG, no responses

How do you determine if there is a statistical difference between age-specific/age-adjusted rates?
   - From kat, 1 response

response rates
   - From Cindy, 1 response

What is a 2x2 chi-square analysis?
   - From Maggie, 2 responses

How do I do this??
   - From Peter, 1 response

Help!, probably very easy for you!
   - From Joe, 1 response

What does logit mean?
   - From Maggie, 1 response

   - From steve, 1 response

Ryan's prodecure
   - From Kim, Seong-Man, 3 responses

COnfussing qustion
   - From Lissy, 1 response

Leadership data
   - From Amanda Gillis, 1 response

help with stat homework!
   - From nicholas, 1 response

Pairwise Chi-Square Tests
   - From Seong-Man Kim, 3 responses

Business Stats
   - From crystal, 2 responses

confidence level
   - From steve, 1 response

what test should I use?
   - From Lucas, 2 responses

setting up data analysis
   - From sandra marx, 2 responses

parameter covariance
   - From YYe, 1 response

   - From Rebecca Trench, 1 response

Margin of error--again
   - From Jim, 1 response

Stat Question
   - From Donna Owens, 1 response

Margin of error
   - From Jim, 6 responses

Deleting Data
   - From John Dueman, 1 response

Jumpy CNN/Gallup tracking poll
   - From Rick, 1 response

Lognormal stats from normal stats
   - From Paul, 2 responses

Why isn't the mode reported?
   - From Reg Aubry, 2 responses

Confidence intervals for ordinal data
   - From Anne, 1 response

Multiple regression for ordinal variables?
   - From Jinn-Yuh Guh, 2 responses

Mean,mode or median?
   - From Tamer, 1 response

   - From Gill, 1 response

finding frequency by SD
   - From Sara, 1 response

chi-square & t-test
   - From Anne, 5 responses

   - From Maria, 1 response

item bias/conditional ANOVA
   - From Rei, 1 response

when does this statistics stuff click
   - From Marchell Coleman, 3 responses

   - From Lt. Dave Carlington, 3 responses

Item bias/Conditional ANOVA
   - From Rei, 7 responses

10 statistical tests[behavioral science]
   - From justin, 1 response

   - From lb, 1 response

P Value and Confidence Interval
   - From Ajay Sharma, 2 responses

which method is best
   - From Maria, 1 response

   - From beqy, 1 response

pre-posttest parametric
   - From margaret, 3 responses

Standard deviation?????
   - From Candi, 2 responses

   - From Clare, 3 responses

Relative Deviation
   - From Liz, 1 response

   - From ed, 2 responses

probability of a score
   - From Bill, 8 responses

Typical Deviation
   - From Jose Perez, 1 response

Help with which test to use
   - From Dwayne, 3 responses

Spearman vs Pearson correlations
   - From Karen Putnam, 4 responses

   - From T. Bennett, 2 responses

Which test do I use?!
   - From Lee, 1 response

attribute sampling software
   - From Craig Burton, 1 response

power tables
   - From ali malham, 1 response

   - From RWB, 1 response

sample of the sample
   - From kevin, 2 responses

Can you perform a Kappa analysis with missing values
   - From chris, 1 response

whaling - blue whales - IWC
   - From jennifer, no responses

Reliability: Cronbach alpha and KR20
   - From Su Luan, no responses

type of test
   - From Thomas Lera, 1 response

Tolerance Stacking
   - From Tommy, 1 response

Do I use the correct method to perform hypothesis testing?
   - From Kathy, 1 response

Is there any problem arise when we test the same hypothesis more than once?
   - From Kathy, 1 response

Familywise error
   - From Kathy, 1 response

Familywise error
   - From Eriko, 1 response

Regarding'Durbin Watson'
   - From Huiying Wang, 1 response

Multiple comparison procedure
   - From Kathy, 1 response

Is it suitable to use t-test?
   - From Kathy, 1 response

How do you statistically compare age-adjusted rates?
   - From KAthleen, no responses

   - From Michael Chinn, 1 response

Is it suitable to use t-test?
   - From Kathy, 1 response

How do I do a power analysis
   - From Christopher, 1 response

Regression Equation
   - From Sheena, 1 response

How many strangers need to be assembled to create a better than evens chance that two or more will share a birthday ?
   - From Paul Field, 1 response

Statistics tables
   - From Scott, no responses

stat question
   - From Nancy, no responses

How to compare
   - From Bahar, no responses

   - From spirit, 2 responses

Price Relatives
   - From Bobby, no responses

need info
   - From michelle lee, no responses

paired t-test vs. ANOVA
   - From tom s, 2 responses

performing the exact test of Hardy-Weinberg proportion for multiple alleles
   - From YanPing, no responses

Student's t-Test
   - From Jane, 2 responses

Data Analysis
   - From Pat, 2 responses

Stat help
   - From Christine, 2 responses

   - From Shelly, 1 response

Statistical Significant Difference
   - From Cookr, 1 response

Testing difference in distributional pattern
   - From YYe, no responses

test results
   - From linda rae brown, 1 response

linear correlation
   - From sanja, 2 responses

probability of 2 distributions
   - From rob, 1 response

Literature search databases:Statistics
   - From John F. Miner, 1 response

   - From rob, 1 response

   - From sanja, 1 response

   - From sanja, 1 response

probability vs Statistics
   - From sanja, 1 response

What is longitudinal data?
   - From Ivan, 2 responses

   - From mike, 3 responses

foreshadowed problem
   - From J. Boling, no responses

HELP - Reliability and Validity
   - From Kimberly, no responses

Reliability Testing - split halves method
   - From Kimberly, 1 response

Hypothesis Testing
   - From Natalka Junyk, 1 response

clinical trials
   - From bob mensah, 1 response

   - From Kelly Lam, 1 response

sociology essay
   - From kate battye, no responses

degrees of freedom
   - From Miner,John, 2 responses

standard deviation
   - From Carol, 1 response

   - From alphan, 4 responses

   - From Mike, no responses

Random Sampling
   - From Sudhakar, 1 response

Normalization Tables
   - From Daniel Ita, no responses

Can U help?
   - From Elaine, 1 response

2 sigma?
   - From Bob, 1 response

compound annual growth rate
   - From Joseph Hogue, 5 responses

order effect
   - From helen, no responses

Multiple Regression
   - From Gavin DevenMuieres, 4 responses

Missing data
   - From Chad Allen, no responses

I'm stumped
   - From Laurie Meisler, 2 responses

drug data analysis, thai style
   - From Phil Verhoef, 2 responses

   - From paul, 1 response

   - From Jim, 2 responses

Robust measures of dispersion (multivariate)
   - From Erica Moodie, 1 response

   - From Erica Moodie, no responses

Re: Is the chi-square appropriate?
   - From Annie, 1 response

Chi Square Interpretation & Writing
   - From MK, 2 responses

   - From Linds, 1 response

n vs. n-1
   - From Rich, 2 responses

Maximization of R
   - From Lakshman Nandagiri, 2 responses

tv-violence and children
   - From joanna, 1 response

   - From Rochelle Martinsson, no responses

uncertainty in the standard deviation
   - From Peter Eekhout, 1 response

comparing means
   - From Nathan Allen, 1 response

Dot Plots
   - From Miranda, 1 response

   - From Chris Chalmers, 1 response

factor analysis
   - From Ricky, 1 response

t-test for comparison of parameters estimates between two logistics models.
   - From Vicky, 1 response

Analyzing Rank Order Data
   - From Jim V., 3 responses

Confidence Intervals
   - From Eric, 1 response

Is it a normal distribution???
   - From Faraaz Mir, 3 responses

Best fitting line
   - From Helen, no responses

Sample Sizes and a Statistical Panel
   - From Charles Miller, 1 response

   - From Domhnall Jennings, 1 response

Method of predicting the effects of major storms
   - From Wayne Skinner, no responses

standard error/ s. deviation
   - From J.T., 1 response

   - From Dawn, no responses

The Right Method
   - From Tex Noel, no responses

Receiver operator characteristic curves
   - From Clair wilson, no responses

Margin of Error
   - From Jim Turner, 1 response

Good, Simple Stats Software
   - From Christine Davis, 5 responses

permutations and combinations
   - From Danielle, 1 response

discreet random variable
   - From alex, 1 response

   - From Chaim, 1 response

Question about the mean
   - From Tracy Wright, 2 responses

Survey Conversion
   - From Jessica, no responses

mean and SD
   - From Jimmy, 1 response

Determine Population Size
   - From Ed Clark, 1 response

Regression Analysis
   - From Xavier Olave, 1 response

Statistical significance
   - From Jim Poindexter, 2 responses

Statisitcs Decision Making Process
   - From RJ, 1 response

Pearson correlation
   - From A. Kutlik, 1 response

conjoint analysis
   - From Mike, no responses

Sample Size
   - From stan, 1 response

Sample Size
   - From stan, 1 response

Stay Home Dads
   - From Heather Cockerham, 1 response

Quetelet index
   - From Ana Maria Fioravante, no responses

Difference btw. point biserial and biserial correlation
   - From Wong Su Luan, 3 responses

Tukey Algorithm
   - From Rick Hux, 3 responses

Dependant vs. Indepedant Variable
   - From Matt Wallace, 2 responses

calculating the standard deviation of samples measured repeatedly
   - From Harleen, 1 response

Ranking based on delta from mean
   - From Casey Kester, 1 response

six sigma
   - From Art Tully, 3 responses

Beta-Binomial and Gamma-Poisson
   - From Steven, 1 response

Why multiply the median by 3.14??
   - From Marie, 2 responses

continuous random variable
   - From chris, 1 response

   - From Tracy Gibbs, no responses

Which stat test do i need?
   - From Dianne, no responses

Multiple Regression and Betas
   - From Suzanne, 4 responses

   - From Jennifer, 2 responses

OK, here's one I can't wrap my mind around
   - From Aron Pilhofer, no responses

Taylor's series
   - From R. Raghavan, 2 responses

Ideas for Stats project
   - From Summer, 1 response

pooled standard deviation
   - From Anna, 2 responses

Weighted average
   - From Michele Lodin, 3 responses

population and sample standard deviations
   - From Steve Mardekian, 1 response

   - From SUMMER REDDICKS, 3 responses

conditional probabilities and temporal relationships
   - From Dosia Paclawskyj, no responses

Coefficient estimates of GLM
   - From Y Ye, no responses

Voting statistics
   - From zac arcaro, 1 response

How do you calculate statistics i need to know for a school project?
   - From stacey, 2 responses

   - From elaine, no responses

GLM/Non parametric test
   - From Kim, 1 response

confidence interval for median estimate?
   - From Thomas Raffill, 1 response

How to find the median
   - From KIM, 1 response

   - From kim, no responses

sample vs. population
   - From Erik, no responses

ANOVA, MANOVA, t-tests
   - From Choi , 2 responses

Repeated measures power
   - From Duncan Kerr, 1 response

Stand. Dev. in Analysis of Changes in Crime Stats
   - From , no responses

Important ? about type of data set
   - From Darci, 1 response

   - From Jim, 1 response

Normal distribution of data
   - From Lena, 1 response

   - From Jerry, 1 response

   - From BOB BURKE, 1 response

what do you think......
   - From mike, no responses

How those formula comes out ?
   - From Jane CHAN, no responses

Please explain Friedman, Wilcoxon, Cronbach's alpha, McNemar tests
   - From Barry levy, 2 responses

cross-validation on a validity coefficient
   - From Ramie Vetter, no responses

goalie stats
   - From luke severson, no responses

Regression Troubleshoop
   - From Tonia, 1 response

Data analysis, related measures
   - From R. Dale Olson, 1 response

Why variance so important?
   - From Willie, no responses

odd ratio models
   - From Garrett Sonnier, no responses

Sampling Error
   - From Richard Regnier, 1 response

standard error
   - From M Lacy, 1 response

Random Sample - How to select?
   - From C Conny, 1 response

Exploratory Factor analysis
   - From Wong Su Luan, 1 response

log regression -- variable selection
   - From M. Gallo, no responses

Experimental Design
   - From meast, 1 response

Tolerance Interval
   - From Bill Chamberlin, 2 responses

logistic regression question
   - From Tina Hong, 1 response

Instability index
   - From Debra, no responses

Conjugate prior
   - From Steven, no responses

Selecting a sample from a small population
   - From Kelly, 1 response

   - From Sabir sheikh, no responses

landmark birthdays in 2000
   - From Lori Ott, 1 response

Hayes concept
   - From R. McWhirter, 1 response

Chaos and SPC
   - From Joseph Gabriel Mattucci, 1 response

Margin of Error/Confidence Level
   - From Pete, 1 response

Decile to Rank?
   - From Leo, 1 response

median survival
   - From P Keane, 1 response

Simpsons Paradox
   - From Ross, 3 responses

Sample size to represent a seedlot
   - From Jack Betten, 1 response

comparing expected vs. actual
   - From mike whitehead, 1 response

expected mean vs calculated mean squares
   - From H. Cole, 1 response

Fixed-Effects vs Random Effects Varible
   - From H. Cole, 6 responses

Factor Loading
   - From A, 1 response

   - From A, 2 responses

   - From Dr S. du Toit, 1 response

   - From Dr S. du Toit, 1 response

Standard Error of Estimate/Conf Interval
   - From Joe, 1 response

Reporting t-test results
   - From Annette Hawkins, 1 response

Independent Vs. dependent
   - From linda, 2 responses

Dolphin recovery
   - From Denise, 1 response

error margin
   - From mitchy, 1 response

word processing program
   - From Eiko, 2 responses

Experimental Design
   - From Edwin, 1 response

lottery probability
   - From Doris, 1 response

Lognormal Distribution
   - From Paul, 1 response

Normal Distribution
   - From Paul, 2 responses

religion and college students
   - From Kyla Kenney, 1 response

confidence limits/precision
   - From Chris Simien, 1 response

r scores and n scores
   - From alicia, 1 response

Variance and Standard Deviation
   - From Jorge , 2 responses

Multivariate Statistical Analysis
   - From Danny, 1 response

Example of bad statistics
   - From Beth, 1 response

Opposite of "entropy"
   - From David Arkles, 1 response

hypothesis versus problem statement
   - From kandyce, 2 responses

History of standard deviation
   - From Sophia, 2 responses

Which stat to use?
   - From Terry, 2 responses

causation vs perfect correlation
   - From Han, 1 response

signifigance of kappa statisitic
   - From Nancy Archibald, 2 responses

sample of bivariate data
   - From Han, 2 responses

Regressions for growth rates
   - From Russell D. Pritchard, 1 response

weighted average
   - From peter robbins, 2 responses

determining if groups are similar to what's expected
   - From sam, 2 responses

standard error/standard deviation
   - From des desouza, 1 response

selecting a sample
   - From ld, 2 responses

cluster sampling
   - From henry c.navarro, 1 response

   - From Nancy Pelligrino, 2 responses

How to determine statistical significance?....
   - From mike, 2 responses

time lines
   - From Jeff, 1 response

null hypothesis
   - From Lor, 2 responses

Small Sample Formula
   - From Lona, 2 responses

Adequate sample size
   - From Michael Schell, 2 responses

Exit Polls
   - From Samantha, 1 response

Margin of Error
   - From Lisha, 2 responses

Find average
   - From Melanie, 2 responses

Sampling an exponantially distributed population - how many samples?
   - From D Skeen, 1 response

Interpreting Logistic Regression
   - From Xavier Olave, 2 responses

3 way Anove
   - From faye Jones, 2 responses

   - From kathy , 1 response

Is time a ratio level or ordinal level ?
   - From Kath keth, 1 response

Please help with obscure stat question!
   - From Michelle Smodson, 3 responses

Sample sizes and stats test
   - From lawrence, 3 responses

Need help!
   - From Don, 1 response

   - From Jen, 3 responses

compound annual growth
   - From darshana, 3 responses

uniform contiuous probability
   - From Tanya G., 2 responses

How many subjects required?
   - From Janice lloyd, 1 response

Statistical terms and symbols
   - From Dave Wentz, 4 responses

one sided t test
   - From Amy, 3 responses

finding the n
   - From MaryLee, 2 responses

Need name for paradox
   - From Amy, 3 responses

degrees of freedom:no numbers allowed
   - From Carol Fredrikson, 1 response

   - From Gerry Reilly, 4 responses

Survival analysis
   - From Jim Atienza, 3 responses

Mean Scores
   - From CJG, 3 responses

need to explain degrees of freedom to an 8 year old
   - From Carol, 2 responses

Stat Question
   - From Apurva, 2 responses

fisher exact test
   - From john miner, 3 responses

finding value of beta
   - From Tom, 2 responses

Calculating Path Coefficients
   - From Mike Beers, 4 responses

   - From susan, 2 responses

   - From DAnielle TRauthwein, 2 responses

Old Stats Board Q/A
   - From Mike McNeal, 1 response

correlations & TI-85
   - From Helen, 2 responses

data concerning wax?!?
   - From vincent brinkman, 1 response

General Linear Model
   - From YYe, 1 response

Feasibility study calculation?
   - From Nancy Quarles, 1 response

   - From Holly, 2 responses

How do I classify cars into income brackets?
   - From Erwin Yamsuan, 2 responses

Power Analysis
   - From Holly, 1 response

Structural Equation Modelling
   - From Elizabeth, 1 response

   - From Claire Harris, 2 responses

Are my findings random?
   - From Max Dalrymple, 1 response

Statistical Analysis of Texts
   - From Nick Redfern, 1 response

How to calculate percentiles
   - From Chris Hoogendijk, 1 response

ranking subjective data for non-parametric analysis
   - From brad, 1 response

Samples....and confidence levels
   - From Andrea, 1 response

fisher's exact test for multiple alleles like short tandem repeats
   - From hadi, 2 responses

Computing Upper and Lower Control Limits
   - From Arlene, 1 response

Statistics of Ratios
   - From Kevin, 1 response

   - From P. Mudar, no responses

Sampling Framework!!!!!
   - From Andrea, 1 response

stats per 1000 patient days
   - From Denise Regan, 2 responses

   - From Ally, 4 responses

   - From Geraldo Cassio D. Reis, 1 response

   - From Gary, 1 response

mathematics vs experience
   - From K. Long, 1 response

Normal distribution
   - From mitchy, 1 response

Normal Distribution
   - From mitch, 1 response

Sampling Sizes.
   - From Vimal, 1 response

structural equation modeling
   - From Holly, 2 responses

Degrees of Freedom
   - From Shana Ruhnke, 3 responses

Normal Distribtion
   - From Amy Pennington, 6 responses

Within SS
   - From Amber, 2 responses

stats on e-quakes
   - From Andrew Marshall, 1 response

Four questions
   - From Guy Donahue, 2 responses

Monte Carlo simulation
   - From Phil McMorrow, 2 responses

basal and ceiling scores
   - From , 1 response

sensitivity analysis
   - From Bryan Facca , 1 response

Polling, Margin of Error
   - From Jeff Mrenak, 1 response

Hierarchical multiple regression
   - From Robert, 4 responses

Stats for computer science
   - From Melonie, 1 response

How to type mean x bar in word 97
   - From SPACE, 7 responses

Statistical Display methods
   - From Kelvin Elvidge, 1 response

Interval and Range
   - From Scott Isaak, no responses


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