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homework help SOS!!!
Message posted by Linda (via on October 11, 2001 at 10:44 PM (ET)

The problem: a professor wants to give a 20 question true/false quiz to determine who has read an assigned novel;she wants to choose a passing grade such that the probability of passing a student who guesses on every question is less than .05. What score should she set as the lowest passing grade?
I'd appreciate any help!! Thank you!

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: homework help SOS!!!
Message posted by Tomi (via on October 12, 2001 at 2:44 AM (ET)

Because this is homework, I assume the following: that you have covered enough probability/statistics theory in class to solve this and that you would prefer some guidelines to the answer itself.

If a student guesses, then they have a 0.5 probability of getting a question right. Let's call the number of correctly guessed answers X. Now it is possible to work out the probability that X = 0, X = 1 etc using a huge tree diagram or by using the Binomial distribution. X ~ B (20, 0.5).

If you work out P(X=20) you will find that it is very small. Add it to P(X=19) and it will be a bit larger. Continue until you have a number just less than 0.05, and you have solved the problem. Of course, you could always use cumulative frequency tables for the binomial distribution.

Re: homework help SOS!!!
Message posted by Linda (via on October 12, 2001 at 8:30 AM (ET)

Tomi, Thank you so much for your help. I have my answer.
Sincerely, Linda

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