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Home > Statistics Every Writer Should Know > The Stats Board > Discusssion

Typical Deviation
Message posted by Jose Perez on September 11, 2000 at 12:00 AM (ET)

Dear whoever you guys are:
What's typical deviation? I'm translating from spanish
so I'm not quite sure about the term in english.
I've been told that this typical deviation, for two numbers
whose difference is one, equals cos(45) degrees (or
cos(Pi/4) radians, i.e. equals sqrt(2)/2=1/sqrt(2).
Is this true?? And if it is, why is so??(well, matbe it'll suffice to tell me what's typical deviation, then
it may be obvious!).
Thanks a lot for your time

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Re: Typical Deviation
Message posted by JG on September 11, 2000 at 12:00 AM (ET)

Is this a problem in optics ? Are we talking about a field of view or some sort of angular deviation ?

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