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Please help with obscure stat question!
Message posted by Michelle Smodson on November 1, 1999 at 12:00 AM (ET)

I've got a tough question for an assignment. I've looked all over the place. Maybe the answer is something like "peer review" or something like that.

The question: Name the area of study, dealing with principles of conduct, which must be considered efore starting a statistical study and in the design of nay research project which will use statistics to draw conclusions from data?

Thank you very much for any help you can give.

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: Please help with obscure stat question!
Message posted by JG on November 2, 1999 at 12:00 AM (ET)

They are probably talking about ethics - especially the rights of research subjects - privacy, etc. For instance studying the occurance of AIDS can be regarded as a lethal attack by some people, people whom have been the victims of crime, who have had certain medical problems, etc.

Re: Please help with obscure stat question!
Message posted by darshana on November 2, 1999 at 12:00 AM (ET)

I am analyzing some annual report growth statistics.
I have growth figures and growth amounts for 4 years. How do i calculate COMPOUND ANNUAL GROWTH?

Re: Please help with obscure stat question!
Message posted by Don on November 5, 1999 at 12:00 AM (ET)

I agree with "J.G."'s comment.

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