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Data Analysis
Message posted by Pat on July 1, 2000 at 12:00 AM (ET)

I have done a questionnaire survey. In this 4 questions represent variable X1. Each question has five responses to choose from ie strongly disagree to strongly agree on five point scale of 1 to 5.
THe response received from one of the respondents was as under
Q1 4
Q2 1
Q3 3
@4 5
Q1 and Q4 have positive direction towards dependent variable, while the others have negative direction.
If I have to determine the score for X1 ( all the four questions as a group capture this) in the above case how do I determine this?

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: Data Analysis
Message posted by Larry on July 6, 2000 at 12:00 AM (ET)

Currently doing elementary stats at Campbell U, NC....Asssuming that the weight of each question is equal in value and that they have been written to answer X1 without indicatioon of your desire in the questionaire to avoid any prejudice, I would believe that you would use the mean score of 3.25 to show a general positive repsponse to the question. You may desire to nonte that the deviation is 1.7, so you must ake into account that the overall fluctuatioon of score was 1.55 to 4.95.

Re: Data Analysis
Message posted by Phil on July 7, 2000 at 12:00 AM (ET)

I am not sure the previous response will summarize the "category" in any useful way. Without more information, it is hard to give a good answer.

One possibility may be some form of "factor analysis". Not sure you have enough questions to make that work, however.

Tough one.

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