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cash paid for statistics help--no joke
Message posted by Steve (via on November 1, 2001 at 11:33 PM (ET)

my name is Steve and I'm a math dummy. i need a statistics wiz to provide me with online help, and will pay cash via to your email address (money goes directly to your bank account); i am offering $5 dollars for every correctly answered question. i will ask you 2 sample questions to verify competency level at this site; serious takers only, please. in your email, let me know if you are registered with Paypal.

here go the samples:
A sample of 25 different payroll departments found that the employees worked an average of 310.3 days a year with a standard deviation of 23.8 days. A confidence interval has a range of 302.4 to 318.2 What confidence interval does this range represent?

2. A manufacturing process produced 15 defective parts in a sample of 100.
a. determine the standard error of the sample proportion.
b. develop a 90% confidence interval for the proportion defective in the population.

direct your email to:

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: cash paid for statistics help--no joke
Message posted by rightclik (via on November 7, 2001 at 12:07 PM (ET)

Out of curiousity, how many takers did you get?

Why not hire a tutor and then just do the problems yourself? You might save some money and even learn something.

Your $5 contribution helps cover part the $500 annual cost of keeping this site online.

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