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Random Variable
Message posted by Linda (via on June 5, 2001 at 6:59 PM (ET)

On a multiple-choice test with 5 answers (one correct, 4 wrong) to each question, a student randomly selects an answer to each of 200 questions. Determine the mean and standard deviation for the random variable denoting the number of correct answers.

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: Random Variable
Message posted by JG (via on June 5, 2001 at 10:16 PM (ET)

mean is 40 and SD is 5.66

Re: Random Variable
Message posted by nancy diehl (via on June 6, 2001 at 2:38 PM (ET)

What you need to recognize is that this is a binomial distribution of 200 independent trials where the probability of getting a right answer is 1/5 or .20=20%.

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