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Message posted by Donna (via on October 30, 2001 at 11:25 AM (ET)

When you give a casino $5 for a bet on the number 7 in roulette, you have a 1/38 probability of winning $175 and a 37/38 probability of losing $5. If you bet $5 that the outcome is an odd number, the probability of winning $5 is 18/38, and the probability of losing $5 is 20/38.
a)If you bet $5 on the number 7, what is your expected value?
b) If you bet $5 on the outcome that is an odd number, what is your expected value?
c) Which of these options is best; bet on 7, bet on odd, or don't bet? Why?

Identify whether the following are probability distributions or not. If not, identify which of the conditions is violated.

a) to settle a paternity suit, two different people are given blood tests. If x is the number having group A blood, then x can be 0, 1, or 2, and the corresponding probabilities are .36, .48, and .16, respectively.
b)Define P(x)=x/5 (where x can take in the values of 0,1,2,3).

Thank you SO much for all of your help. You don't know how much this is appreciated. Feel free to e-mail me back the answers instead of posting them on here, Imming me on AOL or whatever.
AOL SN: ButterCupChik26

Thanks! Donna

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: probability
Message posted by Tomi (via on October 30, 2001 at 6:12 PM (ET)


Expected value of X = sum (possible values of X * probability of those values occurring)

a) Expected gain = 175*1/38 + (-5)*37/38 = (175-185)/38 = -10/38

b) Expected gain = 5*18/38 + (-5)*20/38 = (90-100)/38 = -10/38

c) Not betting costs you nothing, but betting will cost you. Best action: don't bet!


a) This is OK - probabilities add up to 1.

b) P(X=0)=0, P(X=1)=0.2, P(X=2)=0.4, P(X=3)=0.6
Probabilities add up to 1.2 - impossible, therefore not OK.

Re: probability
Message posted by Donna (via on October 30, 2001 at 7:31 PM (ET)

Thank you SO much for all your help.

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