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data concerning wax?!?
Message posted by vincent brinkman on October 18, 1999 at 12:00 AM (ET)

Delft, 13 October 1999

Dear Mr. / Mrs.

This weekend I visited your website, because I am searching for specific information for my graduation-assignment. I study marketing-management at the University of Delft. This assignment is about analyzing different types of branches. I picked the cosmetic- and food-industry, and its allied businesses.

First I would like to know the following: How much wax is needed for the total cosmetic-industry? I mean how much wax is asked and how much is offered by the several companies.

Second, I need to know how much oil/fats, and flour is purchased by the several food-companies, hotels, restaurants, diners, fast-food-companies etc. I am also interested in figures concerning the industrial- and retail-sales of oil/fats, and flour.
I want to use the information for my assignment.
I hope you can help me!
Thank you very much


Vincent Brinkman
Polderland 46
1112 RN Diemen
the Netherlands.

P.S: If you have suggestions concerning these subjects and other organizations which I can contact then please let me know

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: data concerning wax?!?
Message posted by JG on October 19, 1999 at 12:00 AM (ET)

Try sending an appropriate e-mail question to the public relations department of some of the major companies you are studying, be as brief and specific as possible . Also try any appropriate trade associations and government departments.

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