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Thinking about some site changes...
Message posted by Robert Niles (via on March 7, 2001 at 4:49 PM (ET)

Hi there, thanks for using the Stats Board.

I've written some changes to the software that powers my discussion boards, and implemented them over at Theme Park Insider.

In short, over there, posters can either register and post under their names, or post anonymously.

The advantages of registering are that it allows you to edit your posts for 48 hours after you submit them, and to get an e-mail alert whenever someone responds to your message.

People who don't want to register can still participate, but they are ID'd only as "Anonymous" (with their IP address also noted.) And they get no e-mail alerts or editing ability.

I decided against letting nonregistrants post with a name, since I couldn't verify their identity without a login process.

My question: Would the folks around here like to see that software implemented here? Are getting editing ability and e-mail alerts worth the hassle of registering? Or should I just leave well enough alone?

Also, what other changes would people like to see around here? I've put up a payment page at for people who would like to make a payment to support the site. If this, along with the book sales on the site start bringing in some cash, I'll be able to carve out the time to make substantial improvements. And if not, I'm still tweaking stuff here and there.

Lemme know, and thank again for using the site.


(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: Thinking about some site changes...
Message posted by Phil (via on March 8, 2001 at 10:58 PM (ET)

Sounds good. Another site I frequent adopted the registration policy and it works fine.

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