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Sophia in novel Tom Jones
Message posted by shay (via on January 27, 2002 at 7:13 PM (ET)

What do you think the significance of Sophia is in the novel, Tom Jones... I think that it is to show purety at the highest and what perfections we should strive for... Any one any thoughts????

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: Sophia in novel Tom Jones
Message posted by JG (via on January 29, 2002 at 5:02 AM (ET)

She and Tom are a matched pair. She is his female mirror image.
Both demonstrate that there is no substitute for a good heart and that good people are hated and envied by bad people.
They as well as Sophia's father show that good people are far from perfect but that they really try to live and let live. While bad people are constantly plotting to destroy good people.

ps I studied Tom Jones as an engineering undergraduate and the teacher was very good.

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