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F-test What is a F-Test and how do you know when the final numbers on the F-test is significant. In other words, what do the numbers mean?
READERS RESPOND: Re: F-test It is often used prior to the t-test on the means so you know whether the variances are equal or unequal. The idea of the test is to create a ratio of the larger variance divided by the smaller variance. The closer this ratio is to 1, obviously the variances are then similar. However, this test is also a function of the sample size so you need to take the degrees of freedom (df) of the larger sample variance and the df of the smaller variance sample and look in the F-table for a comparison number based on these degrees of freedom. If your calculated ratio value is larger than the value found in the F-table, then you reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the variances are different and that the two samples come from different distributions.
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