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BEG me work out proper test to use, please!!!!
Message posted by Craig Callan (via on April 20, 2001 at 8:53 PM (ET)

this probably is not hard, just my mind is tired out! I want to look at any differences between peoples scores from a likert based questionnaire on Affectivity and other conditions. For example, i have worked out scores for Negative Affectivity for each individual. now, if i want to look for a difference on scores between gender, i did an independent samples t test. No bother, because gender has 2 categories, male or female. I have probs when i want to look for differences in same scores for negative affectivity with, eg, maritial status, as this has more than 2 categories, ie single/married/divorced/widowed. What test do i need to run to get these results? If u answer, i will be so greatful i dont know what id do. PLEASE HELP

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