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Determine Population Size How can the size of a population be determined by sampling? Poisson distribution?
READERS RESPOND: Re: Determine Population Size To calculate hypergeometric probabilities you need: N = Population size We normally solve for x, but you want N. So, what you do is create a population of successes of size d and mix it into the population (e.g. mark some fish an dump them in the lake). Let the population mix so it becomes randomized. Now, after the population has randomized, take a sample of size n from the population and see how many of the population are "successes". This number equals x (e.g. marked fish). Using the ratio of x/n as an estimator of the hypergeometric probability of success, work backwards and determine what the "most likely" value of N would be to give you the resulting probability. Hope that makes some sense. Obviously you have to be able to "salt" the population with successes to make this method work. This method hinges on knowing what "d" is.
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