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probability distributions
Message posted by Jim (via on October 7, 2001 at 4:48 PM (ET)

I would appreciate help with this one. I am having a lot with statistics and need some able assistance. Thanks
A department store has classified its charge customers as either high or low volume purchasers. Thirty percent are high volume purchasers. If a sample of five people are randomly selected from the list of charge customers, what is the probability that none of them are high volume purchasers?

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: probability distributions
Message posted by Phil (via on October 7, 2001 at 8:47 PM (ET)

How about a hint or two: This is a simple problem using the binomial distribution (sampling with replacement...the probability of success is a constant for each trial). Define probability of success (p) as being the probability of being a high volume purchaser. Now calculate Prob(x=0).

Good luck!

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