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Taguchi Design of Experiments
Message posted by Carole Yaw on February 22, 2000 at 12:00 AM (ET)

Does anyone have some ideas on any subject using the Taguchi design of experiments?

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: Taguchi Design of Experiments
Message posted by Phil Rosenkrantz on February 25, 2000 at 12:00 AM (ET)

Taguchi Methods can be applied to most any system where you have controllable and uncontrollable factors (variables) and are trying to decide what parameters settings and tolerances to use. Dr. Taguchi's methods were originally applied in greater quantity to "process improvement" situations. However, now the major applications are in product and process design.

The goal is "Robust Design". That means designing the product so that it is least sensitive to uncontrollable variation during production and by the user.

Dr. Taguchi's techniques are controversial among mathematical statisticians because he violates a few of their rules and in some cases uses inefficient designs. However, he is not doing the same thing as class DOE and gets to a good design fairly efficiently. You can contact the American Supplier Institute ( for some information.

(Added note: I have had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Taguchi on our campus numerous times and have had a lot of one-on-one time. He is quite brilliant and very friendly (unfortunately, his English is terrible). The impact of his work has been rather profound. Too bad we aren't teaching more about his methods in our schools.)

Re: Taguchi Design of Experiments
Message posted by Pritam Ranjan (via on April 16, 2001 at 4:40 AM (ET)

I would like to know details about the Taguchi Design. If you tell me some good site where I can find some material to know about this design. I am a student of Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta. I would like to know about the topics of some small project which I can do at the level of B-Stat third year.
Thanks for the help.

Re: Taguchi Design of Experiments
Message posted by nancy diehl (via on April 17, 2001 at 12:57 PM (ET)

Search for the following book:
Taguchi Techniques for Quality Engineering by Philip Ross.
Can order it through - American Society for Quality; search under DOE books. Simplistic book to follow the Taguchi Techniques. Also provide ways to use the orthogonal arrays to improved the resolution of your DOE.

Re: Taguchi Design of Experiments
Message posted by nancy diehl (via on April 17, 2001 at 1:00 PM (ET)

Search for the following book:
Taguchi Techniques for Quality Engineering by Philip Ross.
Can order it through - American Society for Quality; search under DOE books. Simplistic book to follow the Taguchi Techniques. Also provide ways to use the orthogonal arrays to improved the resolution of your DOE.

Re: Taguchi Design of Experiments
Message posted by Javad Hamedi (via on June 13, 2001 at 3:25 AM (ET)

Please visit this web seite: You can find useful information and a software about Taguchi method in this site.

Re: Taguchi Design of Experiments
Message posted by JG (via on June 13, 2001 at 3:20 PM (ET)

What rules does Taguchi violate and in what way are his designs inefficien but robust? Efficiency and robustnes can be defined in many different ways.

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