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children drowning
Message posted by Trevor Doherty on October 26, 2000 at 12:00 AM (ET)

I have finished lit review and I need to survey pool owners on the incidence of children under 5 getting through the pool fence (faulty gate, climb etc)
I have access to council recordss on complying fences which I will post questionnaire

How many do I need to distribute?
questions will be.
has a child under five entered the pool danger are.
how did it happen
a - climb fence
b - manipulate lock
c- gate left open by others
d - faulty gate
e- other
what is the exposure?
child residing at house all year versus one day visitor

Sorry about number of issues.
BTW lit review indicates adult negligence, re no maintenance, propping open, leaving climbable items close by.
unassisted breaching by child - expect low result.

thanks trevor

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: children drowning
Message posted by SOF on October 27, 2000 at 12:00 AM (ET)

First you have to make sure that your questionnair is valid and reliable - surveys in social research by d a de Vaus. Any introductory statistics book has the appropriate formulas for sample size. Basically, the closer the probability you wish to estimate is to 0 or 1 the bigger a sample size. You also have to make sure your sampling is random or probilistic, what to do about missing data, whether to use stratified sampling, etc.

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