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Chi-Square and Multiple Response?
Message posted by Dan Woodlief (via on June 26, 2001 at 4:41 PM (ET)

I am hypothesizing that there are differences between the responses of teachers from various grade levels on a multiple response question (which three program attributes they prefer). The grade level response is not set up as multiple response, but the other question is. I do have the data from the multiple response question organized under discrete variables as either "1" or "0." Can I perform chi-square analysis to determine independence of each of the multiple response choices against (individually) the variable for grade? Should I use something else instead?

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: Chi-Square and Multiple Response?
Message posted by Peter (via on June 26, 2001 at 5:04 PM (ET)

could you clarify with a sample data example? is your data set up like this?: grade level, multiple response #1, multiple response #2, multiple response #3. sample data entry: 5, 0,1,1

Re: Chi-Square and Multiple Response?
Message posted by dan woodlief (via on June 27, 2001 at 8:34 AM (ET)

The data is set up as (1) Grade variable - either K2, 3-5, or 6-8 in a single column. (2) Program Variables - "1" or "O," depending on whether it was indicated as one of the top three most important out of a long list. Each program attribute is set up as a separate variable in my SPSS file, with either "1" or "O;" in other words, multiple columns. I do have a variable that combines them as well - e.g., AttribB, AttribC, AttribM, etc., but there may be too many combinations to use any statistics with the combined column. From just looking at the crosstab results (expected versus observed values and just the percentage differences between the grades), it is apparent there are correlations, but I want to back it up with chi-square or some other statistic. Plus some relationships are easier to see than others without the statistics.

Re: Chi-Square and Multiple Response?
Message posted by dan woodlief (via on June 29, 2001 at 9:07 AM (ET)

Any answers?

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