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Help please!
Message posted by Connie (via on December 17, 2001 at 10:26 AM (ET)

How does lack of sleep have an impact on one's creative ability? A recent British study, believed to be the first to measure systematically the effect of sleep loss on divergent thinking, found that loss of sleep sabotages creative faculties and the ability to deal with unfamiliar situations (Sleep,Jan. 1989). In the study, 12 healthy college students, deprived of one night's sleep, received an
array of tests intended to measure thinking time, fluency, flexibility, and originality of thought. The overall test scores of the sleep-deprived students were compared to the average score one would expect from students who received their accustomed sleep. Suppose the overall scores of the 12 sleep-deprived students had a mean of = 63 and a standard deviation of s = 17. (Lower
scores are associated with a decreased ability to think creatively.)

a. Test the hypothesis that the true mean score of sleep-deprived subjects is less than 80, the mean score of subjects who received sleep prior to taking the test. Use = 0.05.

b. What assumption is required for the hypothesis test of part a to be valid?

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: Help please!
Message posted by JG (via on December 17, 2001 at 3:08 PM (ET)

Assumptions - random sample from relavent population,normal distribution for error,etc.

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