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Home > Statistics Every Writer Should Know > The Stats Board > Discusssion

need info
Message posted by michelle lee on July 9, 2000 at 12:00 AM (ET)

hello, I am seeking infomation on certain topics in statistics and
was wondering if you could help.
> here are the topics:
> 1. how to draw a density curve with specific dimension
> 2. why does degree of freedom n-1 instead of n? are the results
different if not used with samples? does sample size make a difference?
> 3. what is the basis for random seeds?
> 4. why statistical inferences? why the focus of probabilities? do wee
need to have certainty in life? why? is certainty or uncertainty
problematic? both?
> 5. what is the relationship between literature and statistics? give
examples of the use of statistics in literature. give examples of its
relationship to philosophy.
> thank you for your time.
> michelleee

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