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using Chi-Square for two samples
Message posted by Sherry (via on November 20, 2001 at 8:26 PM (ET)

I have 2 samples of data (totally independent samples). Sample 2 data is from the literature so I dont have much more information for that sample.

for both data sets, I have the percentage of times something occurs (e.g., seeing someone getting killed) in a person's lifetime. I want to compare sample 1 and sample 2 to see if their percentages are significantly different. i dont have means and stand dev for Sample 2 so I can't do T-tests.

e.g., Sample 1 => 16 out of 30 saw someone getting killed
for sample 2 => 18 out of 80 saw someone getting killed.

How do I do a Chi-Square test to test if they are different?
That is what my advisor wants to use.

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: using Chi-Square for two samples
Message posted by Darius (via on November 21, 2001 at 4:42 PM (ET)

If you don't have a standard deviation you can愒 do a Chi-Square test.

Does the proportion of defectives meet requirements?


Re: using Chi-Square for two samples
Message posted by Phil (via on November 24, 2001 at 10:54 AM (ET)

Use the Chi-Square Test for Independence. Create a 2x2 table with the count data (not percentages). These values are your 'Observed' values. You will have a Chi-Square critical value for alpha (0.01, 0.05?) and 1 degree of freedom. You can find the computation of the 'Expected' values and the Chi-Square statistics in most statistics books and statistics software packages.

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