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Difference betn correlation and regression analysis
Message posted by Chandra Prakash (via on April 11, 2001 at 2:10 PM (ET)

What is the difference between correlation and regression analysis in research methodology as far as dependent and independent variables are concerned?

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: Difference betn correlation and regression analysis
Message posted by Jack Tomsky (via on April 11, 2001 at 7:10 PM (ET)

In correlation analysis, both x and y are considered to be random variables. In regression, x is fixed and y is random.

Re: Difference betn correlation and regression analysis
Message posted by Rahul (via on May 30, 2001 at 2:53 AM (ET)

So, did you find it sir?? If u did, send me a copy so that i can answer it too (MS-8)...

Re: Difference betn correlation and regression analysis
Message posted by JG (via on June 3, 2001 at 9:56 AM (ET)

Correlation compares two things while regression assumes a single Y which contains all the error and allows for many X's . There are other models where the distinction is not so clear.

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