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What test/s do I use?
Message posted by Jerry Hall (via on October 8, 2001 at 10:06 PM (ET)

The research question I am working with is: What relationship exists between leader/follower values congruency and follower vertical trust?

I have gathered data on the values of the leader and eleven followers. The instrument I used for this gauges the degree of importance the respondent places on each of 21 values.
I administered a Trust inventory that provides the data on the level of trust each respondent has in her leader.
What statistical test/s do I need to use to determine the answer to my research question? How do I know if the results are statistically significant?
Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: What test/s do I use?
Message posted by Maziar (via on October 16, 2001 at 7:25 PM (ET)

My answer may be simple but I would do a bivariate analysis and simply see whether there is any correlation between the level of trust a person has in their leader (one single value , probably Likert- Independent Variable) to the MEAN of their agreement with the 21 value items (dependent variable)

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