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Tolerance Interval I am searching for a layman's definition or explanation of the statistical term "tolerance" or "tolerance interval". Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
READERS RESPOND: Re: Tolerance Interval and manufacturing. It refers to a dimension and how much that dimension is allowed to deviate from its preferred value. For example, an aircraft blade may have a required dimension for its length to be 3.5". It's virtually impossible to always cast these parts to exactly 3.5". A tolerance comes with this length of let's say, +/- .25. The blade is unacceptable if the length is less than 3.25 and greater than 3.75. As long as the blade length falls between 3.25 and 3.75, the part is acceptable. The tolerance is the .25, the interval is the +/- .25. The target is 3.5.
Re: Tolerance Interval
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