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Gage R&R
Message posted by dalma (via on September 27, 2001 at 10:31 AM (ET)

I need to know if the best method to determine if there is any difference between two input channels (of the same equipment, and to be analyzed through a software) is a Gage R&R....
I know that for a Gage R&R I need to have operators, equipment, object to be measured...
With my equipment I just have equipment and object to be measured...
Should I just ignore operator (because in my case is a software)???? Is there any other way to validate this equipment???? Please bring me some ideas

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: Gage R&R
Message posted by Darius (via on September 27, 2001 at 1:39 PM (ET)

In your case, it looks to me like a simple mean ("t-test") and variance test ("F-test")(not a Gage R&R).

Re: Gage R&R
Message posted by Mattucci Joseph Gabriel (via on October 2, 2001 at 12:04 PM (ET)

A gage R&R is a method to evaluate a measurmenet system. Usually we take 3 operators, 1 equipement and more than 5 parts. We make usually 3 time the same measurement. But in this case, there is no operator, you, so you will evaluate only the varation from the equipement, maybe within measurement and the process. That's all. But if you want to make hypothesis test, choose the appropriate one depending on what you want to test (variance, mean etc.).

I hope this help you

Have nice day


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