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Analyzing Rank Order Data
I am looking for a simple method for analyzing rank order data. Respondents are asked to rank the top five items (1 most important and so on) out of a total of ten items. Any sugggestions.
READERS RESPOND: Re: Analyzing Rank Order Data (1)a Spearman's rank-order correlation (rho) looks at the relationship between a variable which has received a randking and a continuous variable (e.g. could be used to find the relationship between a teacher's ranking of students in her class to the students' actual IQ scores). (2)a Kendall's rank order correlation (tau) can be used when both variables are ranked (e.g. used to find a correlation between the rankings two judges gave participants in figure skating competition) Let me know if these were not exactly what you needed.
Re: Analyzing Rank Order Data (1)a Spearman's rank-order correlation (rho) looks at the relationship between a variable which has received a randking and a continuous variable (e.g. could be used to find the relationship between a teacher's ranking of students in her class to the students' actual IQ scores). (2)a Kendall's rank order correlation (tau) can be used when both variables are ranked (e.g. used to find a correlation between the rankings two judges gave participants in figure skating competition) Let me know if these were not exactly what you needed.
Re: Analyzing Rank Order Data
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