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non -parametric statistics
Message posted by FAIZA (via on January 20, 2002 at 12:57 AM (ET)

I wanted to know about the
importance of scales of measurementin non-parametric statistics with examples

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Re: non -parametric statistics
Message posted by JG (via on January 20, 2002 at 7:30 AM (ET)

These are two separate topics. Non-parametric basically means you do not feel free to assume normality. For non-parametric we generally work with the median instead of the mean and much of the testing uses the binomial distribution.
Scales of measurement is a social sciences topic and involves constructing a scale for something that is not inherently numeric.

Re: non -parametric statistics
Message posted by JG (via on January 20, 2002 at 10:04 AM (ET)

Now for the examples, non-parametric - testing if two random variables are correlated using a signs test.

You may wish to develop a scale how much two people like each other, etc.

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