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Home > Statistics Every Writer Should Know > The Stats Board > Discusssion

Message posted by arien (via on July 10, 2001 at 9:59 AM (ET)

I have an objective to compare whether my DV's differences between my IV's. There are six DV's and five IV's in my case. All of my DV's correlated to each other.

For DV's I measure it in five point scale (interval)and IV's in categorical scale. But the problem is my IV's aren't same groups for each, let me say that IV a has 2 groups, IV b has four groups, etc.

Can I use Manova for the above ?? Please help me ..

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: Manova
Message posted by JG (via on July 10, 2001 at 10:19 PM (ET)

I do not really understand your problem, but a chi-squared test for independence or a Wilcoxon rank sum test might be useful to you.

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