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Linear Contrast
Message posted by Jeff P (via on October 3, 2001 at 10:18 PM (ET)

Can someone please explain to me why someone would use linear contrast? What is the value of using this procedure? What is the reasoning behind it? I know this is a complex question, and I can perform a linear contrast "by hand," but I really don't know why I'm performing the operation.

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: Linear Contrast
Message posted by Tomi (via on October 5, 2001 at 4:40 PM (ET)

Are you referring to the use of linear contrast stretch in image processing or in some other context?

I am only aware of its uses in image processing - as a method of adding depth.

Re: Linear Contrast
Message posted by Jack Tomsky (via on October 5, 2001 at 6:27 PM (ET)

A linear contrast is a linear combination in which the sum of the weights is zero. As special cases, these include pairwise differences, the difference between the average of one subgroup from another, etc.

The F test for a one-way ANOVA being statistically significant is algebraically equivalent to the existence of a statistically significant contrast. This property is used for multiple comparisons.

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