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The Right Method
Message posted by Tex Noel on April 3, 2000 at 12:00 AM (ET)

Greetings Mr. Niles...

My name is Tex Noel and I am a college football statistical researcher.

I have my own service, 1st-N-Goal...also, work for a sportspedia website.

I have alway been able to compile and organize my data my comparison of data that relates to the material in question.
i.e. most yards rushing by classification from game/season/career...based on totals or per game averages.

I am looking for a differnt way of presenting my compilations--any suggestions?

But, please explain this to me in "English" I a far from being a versed in math or stat terms--that you are would use.
*I haven't passed a math class since I was a sophomore in high school--1972--and passed the ACT Test in it by guessing at algerbra problems (I've never had this subject.)

Thank you for your time.

Tex Noel
College Football Statistical Historian/Statistics Coordinator

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