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confidence values
Message posted by lee (via on December 20, 2001 at 11:43 AM (ET)


I hope someone can help with this cos its driving us all insane :)

Weve got over 300 images of similar looking fish. Weve shown these to various experts and theyve classified them accordingly. Naturally some of the images have 100% agreement amongst everyone while others are some way off that. We dont have a baseline because the only way to get one would be to trust entirely the judgement of one expert over another.

What I'd like to find out is if there is a way of getting more from this data other than saying the classifications are better than chance? Most of the images had an agreement of over 80% so are quite high - but these are experts so thats what we expected. Is there some more stringent testing or another way we can get a cofidence level from the data that we can be more confident in?



(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: confidence values
Message posted by JG (via on December 20, 2001 at 5:31 PM (ET)

This is a well researche and documented topic and I know that some classic statistics books have studied similar problem, but I can not remember more at the moment.

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