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senior citizens involved in automobile accidents
Message posted by coralee aupperle on March 9, 2000 at 12:00 AM (ET)

My name is Coralee Aupperle. We are having a debate in my english class on whether or not senior citizens should have their licenses taken away. I would like to know what the statistics are involving senior citizens in automobile accidents. any information you could send me would be very much appreciated.
thank you

Coralee Aupperle

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: senior citizens involved in automobile accidents
Message posted by Nat on March 15, 2000 at 12:00 AM (ET)

See You're on the wrong section of the site.

Re: senior citizens involved in automobile accidents
Message posted by .max (via on September 24, 2001 at 4:14 PM (ET)

go to and if you find anything else please send it to me because by soc. st. class has to do a paper about it. cya

Re: senior citizens involved in automobile accidents
Message posted by Justin (via on November 8, 2001 at 3:17 PM (ET)

I think Senior Citizens should have to take a drivers test again at the age of 70.

Re: senior citizens involved in automobile accidents
Message posted by Jenny (via on February 6, 2002 at 3:54 PM (ET)

I am currently in the process of writing a letter to the secretary of state about this issue for one of my college classes. I think that senior citizens should be retested for their drivers license at the age of 65 and every so many years following. I am still deciding how many years it should be. It is in the best interest of all drivers' safety for senior citizens to be retested.

Re: senior citizens involved in automobile accidents
Message posted by JG (via on February 7, 2002 at 6:10 PM (ET)

How about other identifiable groups - teens and adults with a drinking problem, people with various health problems and medication problems, etc.
Age should never be the sole consideration. Re-testing should be an option for everyone with the time set by their previous record.

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