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i think my prof's wrong, so who's right???
Message posted by sue (via on May 7, 2001 at 10:12 PM (ET)

i'm doing some research for my prof. it entails measurement of quality of life scores in patient populations.

test-retest was done and we did a correlation analyis between scores on the first occasion and those on the second occasion.

my prof says that i should use pearson cos it's commonly used. and a linear relationship is expected

i think spearmans is more appropriate cos the scale is ordinal.
who's right?

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Spearman vs. Pearson
Message posted by nancy diehl (via on May 8, 2001 at 8:44 AM (ET)

I have to agree with you. Quality of Life data is typically ordinal data bounded by responses of values between say 1 to 7. This is not continuous data where a measure of the linear correlation between x and y would commonly use the Pearson correlation coefficient. You want a rank correlation to provide a measure of the degree of linearity between the ranking (QofL variables) variables. A rank correlation coefficient, or a coefficient of agreement for preference data would be either Spearman's or Kendall's.

Re: i think my prof's wrong, so who's right???
Message posted by Bill (via on May 8, 2001 at 1:23 PM (ET)

I've always wondered why we use a Pearson (or Spearman) to measure "reliability." The lay definition of reliability would be something like: if the person scores x today he will tend to score x on retest if the test is reliable. We then proceed to correlate the pre and post measure with a Pearson to test for the "repeatability of scores." However, as I understand the Pearson, it indicates "pattern" agreement, not absolute agreement. Consider the follow pre/post measures on a 1-9 QOL scale for three patients: 3-9, 2-8, 1-7. A Pearson will indicate perfect agreement (r=1.0) but there is obvious disagreement from the pre to post testing. It seems that repeatability of scores should be measured as absolute agreement (with an Intra-class correlation coefficient) but that's not how we do it. Perhaps I don't understand what is meant by reliability.

Re: i think my prof's wrong, so who's right???
Message posted by sue (via on May 9, 2001 at 9:40 AM (ET)

thanks for the comments.
to the second person who wsa wondering why spearman/pearson is used if it indicates pattern,
there is another way to do the reliability.

that is to plot difference in test-retest by mean scores on the 2 settings.
you should get a horizontal line if it's correct.

Re: i think my prof's wrong, so who's right???
Message posted by Phil (via on May 9, 2001 at 11:12 AM (ET)

Don't you have to have two ranked lists to use Spearmans? I doesn't sound to me like that is the type of data you have. If you have paired data (before and after scores), then Pearsons should work. How about a paired t-test to test the hypothesis that there was no difference in before and after scores?

Re: i think my prof's wrong, so who's right???
Message posted by Bill (via on May 9, 2001 at 1:03 PM (ET)

Concerning Sue's suggestion of plotting the differences between pre and post tests (for each subject I assume), if the scores of the three subjects were 3-9, 3-, and 3-9 then the plot would be -6 for each subject and horizontal but you still have "substantial" disagreement between the pre and post test measure. If you use a t-test and the data were (for 4 subjects) 3-9, 9-3, 3-9, and 9-3 then the t-test would show no difference but there is still disagreement. That's why I assert that "reliability" in a test-retest situation is simply a question of agreement (assessed in this situation by an intra-class correlation coefficient). But the gods of psychometrics don't agree and simply use a Pearson correlation. In the course of life it's not a big deal although most who measure reliability in this manner probably don't know what they are actually measuring. Just food for thought.

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