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More Hypothesis Testing!
Message posted by Jamie (via on November 4, 2001 at 12:32 PM (ET)

Here is the question I am posed: "A cheesemaker buys milk from several suppliers as the raw material for his cheese. He suspects that some producers are adding water to their milk to increase their profits. Excess water can be detected by determining the freezing point of the milk. The freezing temp. of natural milk varies normally, with a mean of -.545 Celsius and a standard deviation of .008 C. Added water raises the temp toward 0.0C, the freezing point of water. The cheesemaker's lab manager measured the freezing temp in five consecutive lots of milk from one producer. The mean measurement is -.538 C."
Now I am asked to state a Null and Alternative hypothosis for this problem, specify the test statistic and find the standard deviation and standard error of that test statistic. Then, we have to formulate null and alternative hypothesis for the test stat. as well as the measurement stat. I have been pouring over my text and notes all night, but am a little stumped. If anyone could help, I would REALLY appreciate it! Thanks so much!

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: More Hypothesis Testing!
Message posted by Jennifer Simonds (via on November 5, 2001 at 12:21 AM (ET)

Hi, Jodi -

There is a step-by-step hypothesis testing method outlined in notes from my stats class that are posted on the web:

Click on Lecture Notes, Hypothesis Testing and look for the 7-step procedure. This should help you figure out what you'll need to do.

- Jennifer S. / Univ. of Oregon, Dept. of Psychology

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