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JG, please help me !!
Message posted by Kevie (via on June 27, 2001 at 8:34 AM (ET)

My objective research is to know perhaps there are differences between quality management level and sample demographic(ISO/non-ISO certificate, ownership, etc.) I use a questionnaire with 5 point Likert scale to measure how actually quality management in the sample organization (like vendor relationship, process management aspects ,etc.)
Thare are 20 statements for mesure this variable.

The other one if I have two moderating variables : use of quality tools continuously for solve the problem (Yes/no)and number of years they use the tools.
I put these variable because I believe they will contribute to the differences between my DV (level of QM) and my IV's (demographic aspects).

So, what test that I have to use to analysing the above.

Thanks a lot JG !!!!!!!

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: JG, please help me !!
Message posted by JG (via on June 27, 2001 at 9:03 PM (ET)

First of all a questionnair has to be very carefully constructed and tested before we can say that it represents a Likert scale.
Try using a chi-squared test for independence to start with.
I still fing it hard to understand what you are doing and if your questionnair has been properly tested and calibrated.

Re: JG, please help me !!
Message posted by JG (via on June 27, 2001 at 9:03 PM (ET)

First of all a questionnair has to be very carefully constructed and tested before we can say that it represents a Likert scale.
Try using a chi-squared test for independence to start with.
I still fing it hard to understand what you are doing and if your questionnair has been properly tested and calibrated.

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