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split plot model problem I'm running an experiment looking at the effects of competition, aboveground (AG) and belowground (BG)herbivory in four species of grassland plants. The AG and BG treatments are applied factorially (2x) in a complete randomized block design. Within those treatments, I have split the plot and applied competition (C)and species (S) treatments factorially (2x4), with two replicates of each species*competition treatment per wholeplot. My questions are: -What should the statistical model for this look like? From what I've read, I know that the error term for testing the significance of the block, AG and BG treatments is the AG*BG*block term. I believe that the error term for testing C, S, and AG or BG by C and/or S effects should be the overall error term. -Where should the replicate be included? Is this simply another partition which reduces the overall MSE term? -What about the AG*block and BG*block terms? These are not relevant to the experiment, so are they simply contained in the overall error term, or are they combined with AG*BG*block into an error term for testing wholeplot effects? Thanks for any help that you can provide.
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