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Square miles
Message posted by Laura Brown (via on February 28, 2001 at 3:01 PM (ET)

What is the difference between square miles and miles square? Is there such a thing as miles squared?

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: Square miles
Message posted by Lonnie (via on March 7, 2001 at 12:15 PM (ET)

If you're talking about the area of some chunk of land, "square miles" is the term you use. "Miles square" is probably the same thing, though not really said by most. You're simply taking the "length" times the "width" of the rectangular plot to get the total number of miles so you can express an area.

When in doubt, go with plain English
Message posted by Robert Niles (via on March 7, 2001 at 4:41 PM (ET)

If it sounds so akward you have to ask, I'd look for another way to express the concept.

A "square mile" is a unit of area. Two square miles would be an area bounded by one mile linear distance vertically, and two miles linear distance horizontally. But when I hear "two miles square," I first think of two miles by two miles (i.e. two squared), which would be four square miles.

If that's what you meant, say "four square miles." If not, say "two square miles." People will know what those phrases mean.

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