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NameKai-Wen Cheng
Kai-Wen Cheng 
PositionRadiation Thepapists
Department of Radiological Technology, Yuanpei University
  • Medical Radiation Technologists(No.004815)
  • Publication:
  • Kai-Wen Cheng, Chi-Long Juang, The Magnetic Resonance Study of Patient with Muscular Atrophy, Taiwanese Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes (2009)
  • Poster:
  • Chen CC, Peng CC, Cheng KW, Lin ZR, Juang CL, Lin YC, The effect of MRI quality control with fat suppression sequence, The 2nd International Symposium of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences (2006)
  • Oral:
  • Kai-Wen Cheng, Yung-Cheng Huang, Chun-Cheng Chen, Yung-Chien Lin, Yu-Shu Wu, Erh-Mo Wu, Chi-Long Juang,The Magnetic Resonance Study of Post Polio Syndrome,International Students Academic Presentation(2009)
  • Kai-Wen Cheng, Yung-Cheng Huang, Yung-Chien Lin, Yu-Shu Wu, Chun-Cheng Chen, Chi-Long Juang, Magnetic Resonance Study of the Relationship between Creatine Supplementation and Muscle Dystrophy Patients, The Conference of Healthy and Management (2008)