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NameChing-Jung Lo
Ching-Jung Lo
Position  Medical Physicist
Institute of Physics, National Taiwan Normal University
  • Medical Physicist(No.23)
  • Senior Radiation Protection Personnel(No.00372)
  •  Ching-Jung Lo, Chieh-Sheng Tsai, Chieh-Yi Yeh et al, (2006) To evaluate the dose distribution of conventional 2-dimensional planning method for breast tangential irradiation, Therapeut. Radiol. Oncol. Vol. 13, No.1, pp.67-75
  • Leung WM, Tsang NM, Chang FT, Lo CJ (2005) Lhermitte’s sign among nasopharyngeal cancer patients after radiotherapy, Head and Neck March, pp.187-194
  • Lee CC. Tsai CS. Huang YC. Lee JD. Fu TK. Lee WH. Lo CJ* (2003) Determinant Factors of Dose Optimization for Brachytherapy with Single-Channeled Cylindrical Applicator, Therapeut. Radiol. Oncol. Vol. 10, No.4, pp.257-264
  • S Tu, H Hsieh, M Lee, C Low,and Y Hsiao Study of CT Number Dependence On Hardware Settings and Post Image Processing in Micro CT Systems. Med Phys: 35(6):2719, 2008. Presented at AAPM 50th Annual Meeting
  • C.J. Lo, Y.C. Huang, H.J. Huang, J.H. Hong. The deviation of leaf position in DIMRT. Med Phys: 33(6): 2141, 2006.Presented at AAPM 48th Annual Meeting.
  • C.J. Lo, R.D. Sheu, Y.C. Huang, C.Y Yeh, J.H. Hong. Bladder dose comparison between stainless steel and plastic needle in high-dose-rate prostate implant. Presented at 55th Annual Meeting of RSROC, 2006
  • P.I. Wang, R.D. Sheu, U.T. Lin, C.J. Lo, C.S. Chui, W.L. Chen. Monte Carlo Calculation of in-air Output Factors. Presented at 54th Annual Meeting of RSROC, 2005.
  • C.S. Tsai, K.G. Huang, C.J. Lo. Ovary Preservation with Laparoscopic Transposiyion for Cervical/Vaginal Cancer Patients before Pelvice Irradiation and Concurrent Chemotherapy. Preasnted at 54th Annual Meeting of RSROC, 2005.
  • P.I. Wang, R.D. Sheu, U.T. Lin, C.J. Lo, C.S. Chui, W.L. Chen. Monte Carlo Calculation of in-air Output Factors. Presented at 3rd International Workshop on EGS, 2004.
  • C.J. Lo, Y.C. Huang, R.D. Sheu, B.C. Chang, J.H. Hong, I.C. Chen. To Evaluate the Absolute Dose Calculation by CadPlan in an Anthropomorphic Phantom. Med Phys: 31(6): 1923, 2004. Presented at AAPM 46th Annual Meeting.
  • P.I. Wang, C.J. Lo, C.S. Chui, W.L. Chen, C.C. Wang. A Model for in-air Output Factor Calculation. Med Phys: 31(6): 1856, 2004. Presented at AAPM 46th Annual Meeting.
  • C.J. Lo, Y.C. Huang, C.J. Lee. The Factors on Dose Optimization Process for Vaginal Applicators. Med Phys: 30(6): 1469, 2003. Presented at AAPM 45th Annual Meeting.