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Novalis® has room-based x-ray imaging called ExacTrac® with two perpendicular x-ray tubes that allow it to perform localization correction in two minutes. These x-ray images are verified automatically and patient setup is corrected with six-degree freedom of the couch. The infrared camera system can detect differences in patient position and target position during the treatment and can make any necessary correction of the couch immediately.

Compared with traditional linac accelerators the Novalis system can perform: (1) Image-Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) – including x-ray and infrared image-guided radiotherapy, (2) Cranial and extra-cranial stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS), (3) Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy (SRT), and (4) Intensity-Modulated Radiosurgery (IMRS).

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