Linkou CGMHInternational Medicel CenterSite map
Primary appointment
Assistant professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital – Linkou Medical Center
Lymphoma, Brain tumors, Colorectal cancers
1996 MD, Chang Gung University
Academic appointment &Employment record
1996-2000 Residentship, Department of Radiation Oncology Chang Gung Memorial Hospital – Linkou Medical Center
2000-2001 Attending physician, Department of Radiation Oncology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital – Linkou Medical Center
2001 Chief Attending physician, Department of Radiation Oncology, Lo-Tung Pohai Hospital, Taiwan.
2002 Chief Attending physician, Department of Radiation Oncology, Wei-Gong Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
2003-now Attending physician, Department of Radiation Oncology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital – Linkou Medical Center
Membership in Scientific and Medical Societies
