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Primary appointment
Assistant professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital – Linkou Medical Center
Pediatric tumors, Esophageal cancer, Brain tumors, Sarcoma
1985~1992: Medical Department, Taipei Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan.
2005~present: Graduate Institute of Clinical Medical Sciences, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Academic appointment &Employment record
June, 1991-May, 1992: Internship, Mackey Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.
July, 1992-May, 1993: Residentship R1, Department of Internal Medicine, Shin-Kon Wu-Ho-Shi Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.
July, 1993-June, 1996: Resident, Department of Radiation Oncology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.
July, 1996-June, 1997: Chief Resident, Department of Radiation Oncology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.
July, 1997-June, 1999: Attending physician, Department of Radiation Oncology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
July, 1999- June, 2000: Attending physician, Department of Radiation Oncology, Lo-Tung Poh-Ai Hospital, Ilan, Taiwan.
July, 2000 till present: Attending physician, Department of Radiation Oncology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
Membership in Scientific and Medical Societies

  • Tseng, C. K., Tsang, N. M., Liu, C.J., Chen, Y.P., and Tang, S.G. J. (1996).  Distant Metastases in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma.  Therapeut. Radiol. Oncol.  3, 229-232.
  • Tseng, C. K., Tsang, N. M., Kao, S.H., Chen, S.Y., and Chen, Y.P. (1998).  Technical Report: A Quick Method to Extract DNA from Paraffin-embedded Tissues.  Chang Gung Med. J. 21, 63-66.
  • Chen, Y.P., Tsang, N. M., Tseng, C. K., W.C. Chen, W.M. Leung, and Tang, S.G. J. (1996).  Nasopharyngeal Cancer Registry in Sixteen years.  Therapeut. Radiol. Oncol. 3, 233-237. (Chinese)
  • Chen, Y.P., Tsang, N. M., Tseng, C. K., and Hung, J. H. (1997).  Interruption of radiotherapy treatment in nasopharyngeal cancer patients.  Therapeut. Radiol. Oncol. 4, 251-257. (Chinese)
  • Lin, S. Y., Tsang, N. M., Tsai, C. S., Chen, W. C., Tseng, C. K., Jeng, L. B., Jan, Y. Y., Yeh, T. S., Wang, C. S., Wang, J. Y., and Hung, J. H. (1998).  Intraoperative Radiation Therapy: The Preliminary Experience in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital.  Therapeut. Radiol. Oncol. 5, 73-80.
  • Pai, P.C., Tsang, N. M., Tseng, C. K., Kao, L. Y., and Hung, J. H. (1998).   External Beam Radiotherapy for Non-Operative Retinoblastoma: A Retrospective Study.  Therapeut. Radiol. Oncol. 5, 149-156.
  • Chen, Y.P., Tsang, N. M., Hung, J. H., Tang, G. J., Tseng, C. K., and Chen W. C. (1999).  Gel Formula Dressing in the Care of Acute Skin Damage by Radiation in nasopharyngeal cancer patients.  Therapeut. Radiol. Oncol. 6, 41-48. (Chinese)
  • Chen YP, Tsang NM, Tseng CK, Lin SY. (2000) Causes of interruption of radiotherapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients in Taiwan. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 30, 230-4. (SCI; IF=  , Oncology  /  )
  • Tseng, C. K., Tsang N.M. Tsai J. S., Wei G. J., Jiang T. H., Pai P.C., Chang J.T.C. (2003) Radiotherapy to primary cns germinoma: how large an irradiated volume is justified for tumor control?  J Neuro-Oncol 62, 343-348. (SCI)
  • Ngan-Ming Tsang, Chen-Yuan Chen, Wen-Cheng Chen, Chun-Yann Lin, Hsueh-Hua Yao, Shen-Hao Lee, Chen-Kan Tseng*. (2002) Craniospinal Axis Irradiation in Children by Computed Tomography Simulation. Therapeut. Radiol. Oncol. 9, 23-30.
  • Ping-Ching Pai, Chi-Cheng Chuang, Kuo-Chen Wei, Ngan-Ming Tsang, Chen-Kan Tseng, Chen-Nen Chang. (2002) Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Locally Recurrent Nasopharyngeal Carcinom. Head Neck, 24, 748-753. (SCI)
  • Jaing T. H., Wang H. S., Hung I. J., Tseng C. K., Yang C. P., Hung P. C., Lui T. N. (2002) Intracranial Germ Cell Tumors: A Retrospective Study of Forty-four Children. Pediatr Neurol 26, 369-373. (SCI)
  • Chang K. P., Hao S. P., Lin S. Y., Tsao K. C., Kuo T. T., Tsai M. H., Tseng C. K., Tsang N. M. (2002) A lack of association between p53 mutations and recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinomas refractory to radiotherapy. Laryngoscope 112, 2015-2019. (SCI)
  • Ngan-Ming Tsang, Chi-Cheng Chuang, Chen-Kan Tseng, Sheng-Po Hao, Tseng-Tong Kuo, Chien-Yu Lin, Ping-Ching Pai. (2003) Presence of the latent membrane protein 1 gene in nasopharyngeal swabs from patients with mucosal recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Cancer, 98, 2398-92. (SCI)
  • Jaing, T. H., Yang, C. P., Hung, I. J., Wang, H. S., Tseng, C. K., Hsueh, C. (2003) Brain metastases in children with neuroblastoma--a single-institution experience. Medical & Pediatric Oncology 2003, 41 (6), 570-1. (SCI)
  • Jaing, T. H., Wang, H. S., Tsay, P. K., Tseng, C. K., Jung, S. M., Lin, K. L., Lui, T. N. (2004) Multivariate analysis of clinical prognostic factors in children with intracranial ependymomas.  Journal of Neuro-Oncology 2004, 68(3), 255-61. (SCI)
  • Pai, P. C., Tsang, N. M., Tseng, C. K., Hao, S. P., Kuo, T. T., Wei, K. C., Hsueh, C., Chuang, C. C. (2004) Prevalence of LMP-1 gene in tonsils and non-neoplastic nasopharynxes by nest-polymerase chain reaction in Taiwan. Head & Neck 2004, 26(7), 619-24. (SCI)
  • Jaing, T. H., Wang, H. S., Tseng, C. K., Hsueh, C., Wang, C. J., Tsai, Y. J. (2004) Simultaneous development of bilateral retrobulbar and intradural spinal masses following donor lymphocyte infusions for acute lymphoblastic leukemia relapsing after bone marrow transplantation. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology 2004, 26(7), 447-50. (SCI)
  • Chuang, C. C., Chang, C. N., Tsang, N. M., Wei, K. C., Tseng, C. K., Chang, J. T., Pai, P. C. (2004) Linear accelerator-based radiosurgery in the management of skull base meningiomas.  Journal of Neuro-Oncology 2004, 66 (1-2), 241-9. (SCI)
  • Tang S. G. J., Tseng C. K., Tsay P. K., Chen C. H., Chang J. W. C., Pai P. C., Hong J. H. (2005) Predictors for patterns of brain relapse and overall survival in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Journal of Neuro-Oncology 2005 Jun;73(2):153-61. (SCI)
  • Chen SH, Hung IJ, Yang CP, Jaing TH, Fang EC, Yang SH, Tseng CK. (2005) Allogeneic related bone marrow transplantation in children--a single center experience. Acta Paediatr Taiwan. 2005 Nov-Dec;46(6):352-5.
  • Chen SH, Wang HS, Jaing TH, Hsueh C, Lo WC, Tseng CK. (2005) Primary intraspinal mesenchymal chondrosarcoma: report of one case. Acta Paediatr Taiwan. 2005 Sep-Oct;46(5):308-10.
  • Liau CT, Wei KC, Tseng CK, Jung SM. (2005) Combination chemotherapy with carmustine and cisplatin followed by procarbazine, lomustine, and vincristine for adult high-grade astrocytoma. Chang Gung Med J. 2005 Jan;28(1):16-23.
  • Lin SY, Chang KP, Hsieh MS, Ueng SH, Hao SP, Tseng CK, Pai PC, Chang FT, Tsai MH, Tsang NM. (2005) The time frame of Epstein-Barr virus latent membrane protein-1 gene to disappear in nasopharyngeal swabs after initiation of primary radiotherapy is an independently significant prognostic factor predicting local control for patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2005 Dec 1;63(5):1339-46. (SCI)
  • Jaing TH, Yang CP, Hung IJ, Tsay PK, Tseng CK, Chen SH.(2005) Clinical significance of central nervous system involvement at diagnosis of childhood T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2005 Aug;45(2):135-8. (SCI)
  • Chang KP, Hao SP, Lin SY, Ueng SH, Pai PC, Tseng CK, Hsueh C, Hsieh MS, Yu JS, Tsang NM. (2006) The 30-bp deletion of Epstein-Barr virus latent membrane protein-1 gene has no effect in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Laryngoscope. 2006 Apr;116(4):541-6. (SCI)
  • Pai PC, Tseng CK, Chuang CC, Wei KC, Hao SP, Hsueh C, Chang KP, Tsang NM. (2007) Polymorphism of C-terminal activation region 2 of Epstein-Barr virus latent membrane protein 1 in predicting distant failure and post-metastatic survival in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Head Neck. 2007 Feb;29(2):109-19. (SCI)
  • Huang YC, Tseng CK, Chang CN, Wei KC, Liao CC, Hsu PW. LINAC radiosurgery for intracranial cavernous malformation: 10-year experience, Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2006 Dec; 108 (8):750-6. (SCI)
  • Hsu PW, Chang CN, Tseng CK, Wei KC, Wang CC, Chuang CC, Huang YC. (2007) Treatment of epileptogenic cavernomas: surgery versus radiosurgery. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2007;24(1):116-20. (SCI)
  • Jaing TH, Lin KL, Tsay PK, Hsueh C, Hung PC, Wu CT, Tseng CK. Treatment of optic pathway hypothalamic gliomas in childhood: experience with 18 consecutive cases. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2008 Mar;30(3):222-4.(SCI)
  • Chuang WY, Yeh CJ, Chu PH, Liao CC, Wu CT, Chuang CC, Pai PC, Tseng CK, Jung SM, Wei KC, Chang CN. Expression of thyroid transcription factor-1 in brain metastases: A useful indicator of pulmonary origin. J Clin Neurosci. 2008 Jun;15(6):643-646. (SCI)
  • Chen, S. H., Liu, L. Y., Jaing, T. H., Tseng, C. K., Lin, K. L., & Lui, T. N. (2008). Multivariate survival analysis of children with medulloblastoma--a single-center experience. Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 25(7), 647-654. (SCI)
  • Hsieh, P. C., Wu, C. T., Lin, K. L., Jaing, T. H., Tseng, C. K., Lui, T. N., Jung SM. (2008). The clinical experience of medulloblastoma treatment and the significance of time sequence for development of leptomeningeal metastasis. Childs Nerv Syst, 24(12), 1463-1467. (SCI)
  • Jaing, T. H., Tsay, P. K., Yang, C. P., Hung, I. J., Wen, Y. C., & Tseng, C. K. (2008). Evaluation of readmission in children receiving allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: an institutional experience. Transplant Proc, 40(10), 3643-3645. (SCI)
  • Chao, Y. K., Chan, S. C., Chang, H. K., Liu, Y. H., Wu, Y. C., Hsieh, M. J., Tseng CK, Liu HP (2009). Salvage surgery after failed chemoradiotherapy in squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus. Eur J Surg Oncol, 35(3), 289-294. (SCI)
  • Chuang WY, Yeh CJ, Wu YC, Chao YK, Liu YH, Tseng CK, Chang HK, Liu HP, Hsueh C. (2009) Tumor cell expression of podoplanin correlates with nodal metastasis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Histol Histopathol, 24(8):1021-7. (SCI)
  • Hsu, P. W., Chang, C. N., Lee, S. T., Huang, Y. C., Chen, H. C., Wang, C. C., Hsu YH, Tseng CK, Chen YL, Wei KC (2010). Outcomes of 75 patients over 12 years treated for acoustic neuromas with linear accelerator-based radiosurgery. J Clin Neurosci, 17(5), 556-560. (SCI)
  • Wei, K. C., Huang, C. Y., Chen, P. Y., Feng, L. Y., Wu, T. W., Chen, S. M., Tsai HC, Lu YJ, Tsang NM, Tseng CK, Pai PC, Shin JW. (2010). Evaluation of the prognostic value of CD44 in glioblastoma multiforme. Anticancer Res, 30(1), 253-259. (SCI)
  • Chao YK, Wu YC, Liu YH, Tseng CK, Chang HK, Hsieh MJ, Chu Y, Liu HP. (2010) Distant nodal metastases from intrathoracic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: characteristics of long-term survivors after chemoradiotherapy. J Surg Oncol. 102(2):158-62. (SCI)
  • Chao YK, Yeh CJ, Chang HK, Tseng CK, Chu YY, Hsieh MJ, Wu YC, Liu HP. (2010) Impact of Circumferential Resection Margin Distance on Locoregional Recurrence and Survival after Chemoradiotherapy in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol. 18(2):529-34. (SCI)
  • Min-Wen Hsieh, Meng-Chia Wu, Sung-Ho Li, Chia-Sheng Lin,Yen-Ting Cheng, Chun-Yen Lin, Ji-Hong Hong, Chen Kan Tseng*. (2010) Evaluation of stereotactic localizer box and image guided system for patient setup in stereotactic radiosurgery/radiotherapy for intracranial lesions. Therapeut. Radiol. Oncol. 17, 169-179.
  • Yeh CJ, Chuang WY, Chao YK, Liu YH, Chang YS, Kuo SY, Tseng CK, Chang HK, Hsueh C. High expression of phosphorylated 4E-binding protein 1 is an adverse prognostic factor in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Virchows Arch. 2011 Feb;458(2):171-8. (SCI)
  • Jaing TH, Wu CT, Chen SH, Hung PC, Lin KL, Jung SM, Tseng CK. (2011) Intracranial tumors in infants: a single institution experience of 22 patients. Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 Mar;27(3):415-9. (SCI)
  • Tseng CK, Tsang NM, Jaing TH, Liau CT, Wu CT, Lin KL. (2011) Outcome of central nervous system germinoma treatment by chemoradiation. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 33(4):e138-42. (SCI)