Linkou CGMHInternational Medicel Center



學歷1999 畢業於台北醫學院
2006~ 長庚大學臨床醫學研究所博士班
經歷1999~2002 林口長庚醫院放射腫瘤科住院醫師
2002~2003 林口長庚醫院放射腫瘤科總醫師
2003~    林口長庚醫院放射腫瘤科主治醫師


  • Huang YT, Pai PC, Tseng CK, Lin CY, Hong JH, Tsang NM*. The outcome of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated with suboptimal radiation dose. Therapeut Radiol Oncol 2003, 10 (2) :63-68
  • Qiu JT, Ho KC, Lai CH*, Yen TC, Huang YT, Chao A, Chang TC. Supraclavicular lymph node metastases in cervical cancer. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2007, 28 (1):33-8.
  • Lin G, Ng KK, Chang CJ, Wang JJ, Ho KC, Yen TC, Wu TI, Wang CC, Chen YR, Huang YT, Ng SH, Jung SM, Chang TC, Lai CH*. Myometrial invasion in endometrial cancer: diagnostic accuracy of diffusion-weighted 3.0-T MR imaging--initial experience. Radiology. 2009, 250(3):784-92.
  • Huang YT, Wang CC, Tsai CS, Lai CH, Chang TC, Chou HH, Hsueh S, Chen CK, Lee SP, Hong JH*. Long-term outcome and prognostic factors for adenocarcinoma/adenosquamous carcinoma of cervix after definitive radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2011, 80(2) : 429-36.
  • Ho KC, Wang CC, Qiu JT, Lai CH, Hong JH, Huang YT, Huang KG, Chao A, Lin G, Yen TC*. Identification of prognostic factors in patients with cervical cancer and supraclavicular lymph node recurrence. Gynecol Oncol. 2011, 123(2): 253-6
  • Shen SC, Liao CH, Lo YF, Tsai HP, Kuo WL, Yu CC, Chao TC, Chen MF, Chang HK, Lin YC, Shen WC, Ueng SH, Lee LY, Hsueh S, Huang YT, Chen SC*. Favorable outcome of secondary axillary dissection in breast cancer patients with axillary nodal relapse. Ann Surg Oncol. 2012, 19 (4) : 1122 - 8
  • Huang YT, Wang CC, Tsai CS, Lai CH, Chang TC, Chou HH, Lee SP, Hong JH*.Clinical behaviors and outcomes for adenocarcinoma or adenosquamous carcinoma of cervix treated by radical hysterectomy and adjuvant radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2012, 84(2):420-7
  • Tsai PF, Lin SM, Lee SH, Yeh, CY, Huang YT, Lee CC, Hong JH*. The feasibility study of using multiple partial volumetric-modulated arcs therapy in early stage left-sided breast cancer patients. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2012, 13(5):3806
  • Wang CC, Lai CH, Huang YT, Chao A, Chou HH, Hong JH*. HPV Genotypes Predict Survival Benefits From Concurrent Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy in Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2012, 84(4):e499-506.
  • Lai CH, Chou HH, Chang CJ, Wang CC, Hsueh S, Huang YT, Chen YR, Chang HP, Chang SC, Lin CT, Chao A, Qiu JT, Hang KG, Chen TC, Jao MS, Chen MY, Liou JD, Huang CC, Chang TC, Patsner B. Clinical implications of human papillomavirus genotype in cervical adeno-adenosquamous carcinoma. Eur J Cancer 2013, 49(3):633-41.

Oral presentations

  • Stereotactic high-dose rate brachytherapy for recurrent high grade malignant glioma. The annual meeting of The Radiological Society of the Republic of China 2000. Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Long –term outcome and prognostic factors for adenocarcinoma/adenosquamous carcinoma of cervix after definitive radiotherapy. The annual meeting of The Radiological Society of the Republic of China 2009. Taichung, Taiwan.
  • Long –term outcome and prognostic factors for adenocarcinoma/adenosquamous carcinoma of cervix after definitive radiotherapy. The annual Cancer Center Reporting of Gynecological cancer in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Linkou 2009. Taiwan.
  • Radiotherapy for skin cancer in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. The annual Cancer Center Reporting of Gynecological cancer in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Linkou 2010. Taiwan.
  • Postoperative radiotherapy for cervical cancer—the difference between squamous cancer and adenocarcinoma/adenosquamous carcinoma. The annual Cancer Center Reporting of Gynecological cancer in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Linkou 2010. Taiwan
  • Radiotherapy for cervix adenocarcinoam/adenosquamous carcinoma.—Taiwan Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 2010
  • Determining which patients requiring SCF RT after surgery for N1 breast caner. The annual Cancer Center Reporting of Breast cancer in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Linkou 2011. Taiwan
  • Radiotherapy for N1 breast cancer patients (cons). Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Breast Cancer Conference. 2011 Taiwan.
  • Outcomes of early stage breast cancer patients with 1-3 positive axillary nodes not receiving supraclavicular irradiation. International Symposium on Emerging Female Cancers (Endometrial and Breast Cancer) in Asia. 2012 Taiwan.
  • Results of mastectomy and conservative treatment of ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast--CGMH Experience. 2012 Academic Conference of TASTRO & the Second Annual meeting of TAROS.
  • IORT in the treatment of early stage breast cancer in Taiwan. 2013Trans-Asia Symposium of Intra-Operative Radiotherapy & Surgical Techniques
  • Outcome analysis of early stage breast cancer patients with one to three positive nodes not receiving supraclvicular irradiation. The 16th Taiwan joint cancer conference, May, 2011 at Tri-service general hospital, Taiwan.
  • Is supraclvicular irradiation needed for early stage breast cancer with one to three nodal metastasis after surgery and chemotherapy? International Symposium on Emerging Female Cancers (Endometrial and Breast Cancer) in Asia. 2012 Taiwan.
  • Ductal carcinoma in situ of breast- results of mastectomy and conservative treatment . 2012 Taipei International Breast Cancer Symposium & 4th International Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Symposium