Page 16 - 2019EthicBk
P. 16


第二名 Ethical choices in long-term

            care:what does justice require?

                               World Health Organization / WHO/2002

撰寫人:呼吸治療科 郭乃瑛 代理副組長


       Aging society is a universal concern; The World Health
Organization has urged governments to recognize that they are
ultimately responsible for a country’s health system. The
primary goal of this WHO report is to identify some of the
issues that need to be considered as part of that process and
discuss relevant topics from many perspectives, and to suggest
an agenda for ethical considerations. The document includes
discussions on the societal perspective, the role of the family,
the caregiving relationship, long-term care and social justice,
and the way forward.

6 2019 年•醫學倫理•人文醫學•心得
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