Page 18 - 2019EthicBk
P. 18

Although our policies seem to be perfect, there are still
many problems that need to be solved, like manpower and
sources of funding. The most important problem was the policy
does meet people need? When we working in hospital, we can
found the patient can take good care of in our hospital, but
when they prepare to discharge, the often feel helpless about
future care. Although our policies have expanded the
categories of people who qualify for these services, but most
people are not fully informed about Long-Term Care Project,
especially in aging caregivers. So, establish policies should
take all factors into consideration.

       This WHO report provide us with different perspectives
in Long-term care, because we usually standing at patient’s
point of view, additional important considerations exist that we
need to take into account, like the societal perspective; family
perspective; stakeholders perspective; care giving relationship
perspective and social justice perspective. After I read this
book, when I resurvey our Long-Term Care Project, I will
know more about whether the policy is complete.


Medical impact
       Due to the development of medical technology,

8 2019 年•醫學倫理•人文醫學•心得
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