Page 21 - 2019EthicBk
P. 21
As a result of the rapidly aging population, low birth rate,
increase in chronic diseases, extension of average life
expectancy, significant changes in family structure, elderly and
long-term care has become an urgent and important issue in
Taiwan. Whether judged by the ethical standards within
traditional societies, or by universal norms of equality and
human rights, existing systems of allocating the burdens and
benefits of caring for the chronically ill and disabled are unfair.
So, The implementation of the policy requires multiple
considerations. The future development of health care
professionals in Taiwan should also be focused on education,
research and policy development, including cultivating elderly
and long-term care specialists, conducting research related to
elderly and long term care services and market demands, as
well as being involved in elderly and long-term care policy.
2019 年•醫學倫理•人文醫學•心得 11