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第二名 Complications:a surgeon's notes

            on an imperfect science

                  Atul Gawande 著;廖月娟譯/遠見天下/2003

撰寫人:皮膚科 顏嘉賢 住院醫師


       This book, in three sections (fallibility, mystery, and
uncertainty) with several distinct graphic anecdotes, humbly
explores the challenges to doctors, as doctors themselves are
also humans, and to err is human. The first section, fallibility,
demonstrates that a doctor (especially a novice but not
exclusively) somehow has to learn and can make mistakes at
all points in his life. The second section, mystery, explores the
frustration of a doctor, who never ceases to encounter
conditions that cannot be explained by current medical science.
The final section, uncertainty, unravels several dilemmas in
how to make the right diagnosis or judgment.

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