學歷 台北醫學院
專業執照 醫師認證 醫字證第 027821號
專業執照 外科醫師證書 外專醫字第005054號
專業執照 整形外科專科醫師 整外專醫字第000389號
現任 長庚紀念醫院顯微重建外科主治醫師
Reconstruction of neck contracture with a free thin anterolateral thigh flap combined with cervicoplasty. J. Plast. Surg. R.O.C. 10:186-93, 2001.
Majolin’s Ulcer with an Unusual Verrucous Appearance.- a case report. J. Plast. Surg. R.O.C. 13:59-65, 2004.
.Double free flaps for reconstruction of postburn anterior cervical contractures -use of perforator flaps from the lateral circumflex femoral system. Burns 29:622-25, 2003.
Proxmial forearm flap based on septocutaneous vessel from the radial artery. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 117:3 955-60, 2006