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are irreversible and cannot be regretted.

      In this era of technology and network developed we can
obtain knowledge through various channels but it is ignorant
and seldom experience for topics closely related to life which
does not mean benefit. Whether medical personnel or patient
families should crack down on this myth, whether patients
lying on bed with tubes are actually getting benefits when
watching the heart beats breathing and blood pressure brought
by machines and tubes. Medical is to help people improve
health or reduce pain, if medical justification is gone, at which
time medical becomes damage of the tool, in the face of a
loved one dying when their families most need to do, but also
the patients most in need of is companionship, and
non-emergency, medical measures inappropriate intervention
but is a serious impediment and destruction, and afterwards
often to bring the family endless remorse and regret, you
should let the doctor-patient both sides, learn about end of life
medical with meaning, learning to accept, accept the life as
well as medical limited, and in the limited life, given infinite
care, I hope through this philosophy of medical care, can put an
end to ineffective medical care, alleviate patient suffering,
which is one of the medical staff and all concerned with life
and death issues related to people must-read book.

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