Page 105 - 2018EthBKM-Mobile
P. 105


      For urological residents in Taiwan, there is a lot of
knowledge to learn about kidney transplantation. Anything a
urological doctor could get from this book could be regarded as
progress of transplantation medicine.

      Because of the tradition of keeping dead body intact,
organs are even scarce than western country. However, we
have to know that as anti-rejection medication progress and the
causes of organ failure grow, organ transplantations are
increasingly worth doing. This could also be proved that it is
usually to see organ transplantation experts winning “Award of
Medicine Role Model in Taiwan” in recent years. In addition,
there is reward for organ procurement in most hospital in
Taiwan. On the other hand, it is also important to educate
patient about public health knowledge for kidney health, such
as not smoking, drinking less alcohol, and exercise more.

      We usually met a condition that the deceased patient
claimed he would like to donate organ before he or she is dead.
Before I read this book, I never think about this kind of
questions before. Could the family express patient’s wish
accurately? The family know that the patient wants to donate
organs, but which organs? How to deal with the condition that
patient want to donate organs but family refuse? The truth told

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